Chapter 16- Not to think about you

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Justin's POV

I find it so hilarious that Selena actually thinks that I'm fucking jealous of that dude because she seems to like him and not me. What that fuck? Why the fuck would I be jealous of some low life, and I don't even like that bitch.....I know I don't.....I can't like her. Can't she see that I fuck Chantel every other day, why would she even think that? She's just insane. Anyways I'm not gonna worry too much about her I have a school game today and I can't wait to win the basketball match between my school team and north side high.

I'm the team captain, so I called a team meeting early in the morning so we could talk and prepare for the match. I had a shower and got changed, and packed my basketball kit in a bag. Everyone was asleep as it was so early in the morning, so I decided not to bother waking up my mom.

I went into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. As I entered the Kitchen I saw Selena. What the hell is she doing up so early? She was dressed for school and her bag was placed on the kitchen counter.

"What are you doing?" I spoke, which made her jump up.

"Oh my god Justin you scared me." He placed her hand on her chest and took a breath.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked her walking over to the cereal box and the bowls.

"I can't wake up early now?"

"Just answer the fucking question." I was not in the mood to talk to her or argue.

"Woah someone's on their period." I didn't find her joke funny and just rolled my eyes at her. I poured cereal into a bowl and then opened the fridge to get the milk out.

"The milk's here." She said lifting the milk bottle up from the counter. I walked up to her and took the milk off of her.

"So good luck for tonight's game captain." She said.

"I don't need it, I know we're gonna win." I said, which made her chuckle.

"Okay then." She laughed. Her laugh was so sweet and precious.

"Why are you smiling?" Shit I didn't even realise that I was smiling.

"'Cause I can do you have a problem?"

"You're so bipolar I swear, first you were all moody and now you're smiling for no reason." She shook her head.

"I'm not bipolar! You just make me feel that way."

"Are you saying that I make you smile?" She gasped playfully.

"No. I meant you make me moody and angry."

"Yeah yeah whatever." She rolled her eyes and continued to eat her cereal and so did I.

"So now can you answer my question, why are you up so early?" I asked her.

"Oh me and my friends are meeting up before school. Demi's coming to pick me up."

"You girls are so weird, who wakes up early to meet up someone you're going to see anyways in school? Weirdos."

"Okay fine, girls might be weird, but guys are bipolar for sure."

"Shut up and eat your cereal." I gestured to the bowl of cereal.

"Okay dad." She rolled her eyes.

"You mean daddy." I smirked which made her smack my arm.

"Shut up and eat." She tried so hard to control her laugh but I could see that she found it funny.

"I know you wanna laugh." I tickled her stomach.

"Justin stop!" She squealed.

"Just laugh I know you want to." I sing-sang while continuing to tickle her, which made her choke on her cereal and she spat the food on my face.

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