Chapter 12: Toby Green

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Sunday was a boring day because no one had homework, but the TV was banned for the day and the game tables were banned. Well, not really banned, but some of the boys had gotten a little rough with the game tables and broke them so they were being fixed. We all mostly sat around anywhere we could and tried to keep ourselves busy. I sat on the floor by the couch and flipped through a magazine I found laying on the table. It was rather boring and was full of women wearing too much makeup and clothes too fancy to wear. I was so bored that I looked through it anyway wanting to keep myself from going crazy.

Apparently, Project 438 made Sundays the fellowship days where everyone visits with one another and yet hardly anyone did. Rose and Speckle spent more time near the front desk chatting away with Brittany there as if they wanted to join her. Fang was entertained by a comic book he had brought with him from home. I am sure he has read it a million times by now, but he did not seem to get bored reading it. Viper stared out the window and I was sure he was wishing he was out there.

I saw Eric a few times chatting with the adults but other than that, he was nowhere in sight. I was about to toss the magazine aside slapping myself for thinking about him again when Frost sat across from me. She was dressed in simple jeans with holes and a plain white t-shirt. She wrapped her arms around her knees and smiled.

"So I have been thinking of what to call you. You need a warrior name. Any idea's?"

I seriously had not thought about it and was not sure how they came up with names. If I was to name myself, it would be so lame and that would make me look even more pathetic.

Fang and Viper looked over at us and joined in.

"She is right. You have been here a week now so it is time you get a name." Fang said.

"What do you think? I am bad with names." I said to them not really knowing how to choose.

Frost smiled and pushed her dark hair back. She was thinking hard for a good one obviously.

"You need a name that describes you. One that everyone here will recognize you as. What about whirlwind?" Viper asked. We all made disgusted faces.

"No way. She is definitely not a whirlwind and Rose would use that name as another thing to bully you with. You need something better. Tougher." Fang added.

They all thought really hard trying to figure it out. I smiled enjoying them trying to think of something. I guess having a nickname here was a big deal because all of them were having a hard time. I liked it.

When Frost thought of something, her eyes lit up. "What about sports? Your good at sports, right? You get called Sporty and people will know your athletic."

"And a fan of the Spice Girls."

Viper and Fang laughed. Fang laughed with them and sat cross legged leaning forwards. "But Sporty was so cool. I think she was my favorite. Do you know how I got Frost?"

I shook my head having no idea. Fang and Viper must have already known her story because they leaned back in their seats and continued what they were doing.

"Because I am from Alaska. It always snows there and my parents taught me to hunt for my own food. Frost seemed to fit me. Not exactly tough, but it works. Rose got her name because she absolutely loves Roses and talks about them all the time. I am sure you know why Speckle got her name."

Let me guess. "She loves anything with Sparkles."

Frost smiled and nodded. So typical. Frost started thinking again and then leaned back on her hands.

"I still think you should stick with Sporty. It fits you and one day, you will thank me for this. Not too soon though. It takes awhile to get used to your new name. It took me forever."

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