Chapter 20: The new Captain

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A week had passed since the mission ended and construction workers had come to fix the building. Everyone was allowed rest for that whole week to recoup and get rested. I took long showers and short naps and sometimes would sit in the lobby with Frost talking about anything and everything. Everyone looked relaxed and relieved that it was over, but Rose was still mad at me that I was made Eric's partner and that he was in love with me. I did not have the energy to mouth to her rude comments or tell her to shut up, so I just let her rant then watched as she walked off. Frost always had a good laugh about it.

Paula and Sergeant Charles were arrested and locked away for a long time and nothing more was said about it. I still could not believe she had betrayed us when she had given me comforting words the night before. She seemed so caring and loving and then to see her with Toby and the look on her face was a huge shock. Frost was still shocked about it but said no more. All the wounded were sent to the hospital and cared for and were sent home early. I was more excited because in two more weeks, we would be going home until needed back and I was grateful for that. I missed my family so much and could not wait to tell my dad how happy I was.

Eric hung out with me more and we talked more. We decided to try to be a couple again and I took advantage of it. Maybe I was too young to be in love, but I knew I had a good man and was not about to throw that away. We made an awesome team. Frost could not stop gushing over us and was telling me constantly to keep up with her by writing. Sure. She was a good friend and had my back most of my stay here. I was grateful for her and if Ally met her, she would as well.

"We are going to find out who our new captain is. I am kind of worried. Captain Smith was good and a friendly man. What if they get someone mean and crooked? We could all suffer." Frost said shoving some ice cream in her mouth. I smiled and shook my head picking at me grapes.

"Or it could just be someone who will run this place better and carefully," Eric added not looking at her.

"I guess so. After all that we have been through, I think any person is fit for the job."

We smiled agreeing. Then Rose walked up. We looked at her wondering what she had to say this time. Instead, she looked at me and gave a forced smile.

"Congratulations I guess. You are now the theme of everyone's conversations. Must be proud. Well, you got congratulations from me so don't say I never said anything nice."

And with that, she walked off making Eric giggle silently. I was going to miss this place.

4:30 came around and the new Captain walked through the door. Sergeant Peters. She was tough, dedicated, and headstrong. The perfect person for the job. We all celebrated by eating cake and ice cream then returned to our beds to get some shut eye. I saw Sergeant Peters sitting by the window alone with tears running down her face. I thought they were tears of sorrow, but then she smiled at me and motioned for me to join her. I had never seen her show weakness here and was surprised to see it now.

"You're a gifted young lady Lizzie. I saw it in you the first day you came. I was a bit jealous of you. Never had that talent before."

I smiled and leaned back against the wall. "Was Sergeant Charles a friend of yours?" She looked at me like I should not have known that. "I saw the way you looked at him all the time and just wondered."

She nodded and wiped her tears away. "He was, but he loved control and it took me forever to see it. I guess when you're in love, you try to ignore the flaws, but the flaws are important. He asked me to join Toby, but I had refused and that should have alerted me to tell, but by then, you were already onto someone in the building and me alerting someone would make me the guilty party. I was more afraid than anything."

I understood and felt sorry for her. She had fallen for a man who chose the enemy and being in love with him, she had a tough decision to make. If I ever had to make that decision, I would struggle with it as well. Now that she was the captain, it would be better for her than having to deal with that stuff. She would be too busy to have a relationship in the building. She patted my hand and looked at me carefully.

"You will make a good Sergeant one day. I will write you down if you want. We need good people like you fighting and young people need a strong leader. I can tell Eric has taught you well with a gun."

He had and I was grateful. I was grateful for having someone so special in my life. He meant a lot and had taught me a lot and now I was going to return the favor and be the best I could be. Being his partner was an honor to anyone since he was the best in the facility and I was given it because I was trained by him. Everything was falling into place and when I get home, I would make sure my parents knew that I loved them more than anything. They were my world and I had seen enough of it for awhile. I needed a break right now.

I slipped off to bed and fell asleep instantly.

Sergeant Peters had the routine of Project 438 picked up immediately. Classes started up again and we were loaded with homework. It was like the end of the school year because we took tests showing them what we have learned. I aced my health test because being a doctor was in my blood and I hoped to make that official one day. When all tests were finished, we were allowed to hang out outside and tell about our families. Eric and I decided to take the same bus home so we would be leaving after Frost, but I took full advantage of spending time with her before she left. It was like losing a good friend and never get to see her again. I promised to write her every day and tell her how I was doing and she promised the same.

I showed Frost how to play soccer in the field letting her experience the sports I played. She had a blast playing it and we had played till it started getting late. Eric walked up back inside when we went in and went to bed. Frost, however; wanted to talk sports all night and even got into ice hockey. She was used to playing that and played it all the time back home. I never played but promised to check it out. My dad loves hockey and would love to come see me play. We talked until we both passed out and I had nice dreams of being home again. I missed it more than anything and could not wait to go home again. My parents would be proud of me.

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