Chapter 19: Project 438's downfall

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The smoke made it challenging to see the target and fire, but it gave us enough time to avoid the grenade going off. Eric ushered us out of the building watching our backs as we ran. A few times he stopped and had to relax, but I let him lean on me and we made our way out together. I was not licensed yet like Eric was so I had to drive on his instructions. I helped him in the car and then I took off driving like a man woman. SUV's followed us and gunshots were fired at the windows shattering the back window. Frost ducked in the seat to avoid getting hit. I drove back to the facility as fast as I could and glanced at Eric every once in awhile. He was still awake but was in major pain. I reached the facility and ran the gates over to get inside. Frost helped me get Eric inside then we fired at the oncoming SUV's. They piled out using their doors as shields. I shot out the window and then fired at their feet. As long as they could not walk, we were good. Just then a grenade was thrown at the building and exploded causing debris to fall on us. I coughed choking on the dust.

"Frost!" I yelled fearing that she was seriously hurt. She was laying on her stomach with blood on her back. I quickly ran to her and helped her up. The people inside came running out to fire at Toby's men. It gave me enough time to get Frost through the door. We both collapsed to the floor breathing heavily.

"How can Paula betray us? She was so nice." Frost said wiping dust from her face. Rose walked to us holding her gun with a shocked look on her face.

"Paula betrayed us? How is that possible? Doesn't this play run background checks?"

She joined the others outside fighting leaving us there alone. Eric was in the recliner getting the bullet out himself and stitching it back up. I went to him and waited till he was done. Then he looked at me and thanked me.

Project 438 is being tracked by Toby and his men. If we can get to the control room, I can shut every computer off and restart it." I nodded and helped him get there. He sat in the chair across from the big computer and began to work. I know nothing about computers so I just watched as he opened all these different files and delete a lot of stuff. I was surprised at all the files these computers could hold. I was more surprised at how fast Eric worked. He was bad at computers at school.

"You can't work a simple computer at school, but can operate these complications? You had me fooled."

He smiled and continued on. It took about an hour before every computer shut down. Well, we thought they would. He hit the button to shut them down, but nothing happened. "I don't understand. All the computers are connected. How are they not shutting down?" He asked himself still hitting the button.

"Because my men have taken over. It is how I knew to blow you all up the first time."

We turned and looked to see Toby standing there with a hand gun aimed at us. A smirk played on his face. "My dad uses the same code for everything so it was simple to access the facilities computers. Once we were in, I was able to control them from my office and shutting them down is impossible without me doing it. But you two won't have the-." Eric fired at him before he could finish and then it was on. I fired at Toby along with Eric making it harder for Toby to get away, but he had friends and they came in shooting at us defending their boss. I and Eric used the shelf's as shields since there was nothing else. Toby started getting closer, but Eric's fine shooting warned him that was a stupid thing to do. I fired at the men letting Eric handle Toby.

"Lizzie! Shut down the computers! Use his name!" Eric yelled at me since I was closer to the computers, but when I stepped on them, the men fired at me. Eric covered me as I rushed to them. So the computers were in Toby's control. Project 438 which was to fight crime was now being used by the enemy because the Captain used the same code everyone knew. How could the Captain be so thoughtless to use the same code? I rushed to the computer and typed in Toby's name and when it flashed green, all the computers shut off.

The computers shutting off left us in the pitch dark which was worse than the smoke. I made my way back to Eric and let him continue shooting. When I saw that it was hurting his shoulder, I took over.

"You dumb kids will pay for this when I find you!" Toby shouted. Eric shoved the shelf over which had apparently landed on someone then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the control room. The men chased us firing, but Eric was too experienced and defended us himself.

I could hear explosions all around us. I held onto his hand tightly and trusted he knew where he was going. We ran back to the lobby in time to see men forcing Captain Smith and the others on their knees. Eric stopped and watched for a few minutes.

"They won't kill him because Toby wants him alive, but we can't risk anything. Follow my lead."

I did as he made his way to the light switch ducking every time he thought someone looked our way. When he got to it, he switched it off and let it get silent. We listened to the men trying to page Toby but no answer came through. Then one of the men turned the light on and I shot him down. That caused the men to come running at us so we could fire and not shoot the others. Eric missed the last one though and punched him when he got closer. While they fought, my adrenaline was up and I wanted to protect Eric, but shooting the man was impossible with all their quick movements.

I ran to Captain Smith and assured them it was safe. He stood up and motioned to the others. Rose looked a mess though and stayed put. I ran to Frost and hugged her.

"Thank goodness you're okay. I thought you were gone." Frost said.

I shook my head no still gripping my gun tightly. "Toby has control over every computer here so they had to be shut off. Apparently, the same code was used for them and Toby knew what it was."

Captain Smith lowered his head. "I am an idiot. I should have listened to my wife when she said to use a different code. Now he has taken over my facility that was once great."

I felt sorry for him but also felt sorry for Toby. Toby was doing all this because of his dad abandoning him. None of this would have happened if he would have taken precautions. I patted his hand letting him know that he was not an idiot, but he should be more careful next time.

"Don't worry sir. Everything will get better." He smiled at me and thanked me, but he was shot and fell on top of the glass table shattering it everywhere. I jumped and looked to see Toby standing there with a hateful look on his face. This was it. He was wanting to end this now. I aimed my gun at him.

"Lower it, Toby, if you know what's good for you!"

He laughed loudly. "You think I am afraid of a child? You are wrong sweetheart. I am getting back what belongs to me and I won't let you stand in my way."

He fired at me and hit me in the leg, but I forced myself to keep upright. I was not going down without saving my friends.

"You had your chance at greatness Toby, but you wanted to do things your way. One thing I learned in life, is things never go your way." I fired at him shooting him in the chest and knocking him to the ground. He lay there not moving and I knew that I had done it. I had ended this mission and I had done it with my friends help. Toby Green would no longer be in charge.

I ran to Captain Smith grateful that he was still alive. He lay there covering his wound and thanking me a million times over. I ignored him though and focused on the wound. I had learned what to do and began to operate. He made no sound but stared up at the ceiling. Rose watched me closely like she wanted to say something. When I was done, I stood up and looked for Eric. He was leaning back against the back of the couch relaxing. I sat beside him and waited for him to speak.

"All the computers must be reset with a different code or all this would have been for nothing." He said lightly.

"I think that Captain Smith's days in charge are over. It's time for someone new and willingly to finish what he had started."

Eric gave a weak smile and I could tell he was in pain. He had put himself between me and the bullet and had taken the hit. I wanted to thank him for everything but felt like this was not the moment. Instead, we sat in silence and let our minds rest. It was a long day.

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