Chapter 4

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Anastasia's POV.

"Are you done with the files yet?" Masky asked before taking a run and jump from my newly built tree house grabbing the railing on his before he fell and jumping over onto the floor next to me.

"Yep all done" I smile showing him the pile of folders.

"Thanks. I'll get you some blankets and a pillow it will be time to sleep soon." He said walking away before I could tell him I don't sleep. I turned back to look at my tree house which now has a rope bridge that connects it to Masky's and a ladder leading up to it but instead I saw Jacks face on the other side of the railing. I jumped back and Jack laughed loudly before coming to my side.

"I made you jump. That's a first~" he laughed holding his hand out for me.

"Didn't expect you to be three centre meters away from my face." I laughed grabbing his hand but before I could pull myself up he had already pulled me up. I grit my teeth "Ow that hurt"

"Sorry I'll be more gentle next time~" he winked then lead me to my tree house. "Obviously there's no furniture yet but it's built that's always a good start~" he grinned and I laughed just as Masky came back with two blankets and a pillow.

"One to lie on, one to keep warm and a pillow. Get some sleep it might make you feel better" he said handing me the stuff and walking out the door.

"So Jack can you stay? What am I supposed to do all night?" I asked putting the blankets into a make shift bed on the floor before standing up and face him.

"Sorry I actually sleep. But as soon as I wake up I'll come here how's that?" I sighed and nodded putting a fake smile on my face.

"That's fine. Have a nice sleep" i tried to make it sound like I'm fine and I think it worked judging by the way he walked out with a grin saying "have a good night"

I sat on the blankets just looking around the room. This place looks nice. Roomy and well built. The bright light hanging above me and the kitchen that don't yet have a cooker or fridge. They did however put a shower and a toilet in a smaller room at the back and it's all got pipes going through the tree into the ground so I can use it. I wonder if they were ever taught how to build or did they just figure it out as time went on.

Georgia. What's she doing now? Iv got to apologise. Toby is a dick she was right but so is Jeff so I was right to iv got to tell her. I snuck out the door and carefully climbed down the ladder gritting my teeth at the pain in my back and hands before walking under the other tree houses looking up at how they looked.

One had a teddy bear sitting at the ladders which to my surprise waved at me as I walked past making me wave back at it with a smile. The same house was painted pink and had fairy lights all the way up the ladders but they were turned off right now.

Another house had the light on and I could hear loud shouts and gun shots coming from it. "Fxcking move!" "You move! I'm gonna win!" "The hell you are!" I chuckled walking past to continue getting used to the area.

I laughed quietly as I walked past a house with a sign at the side of the ladder saying "wake me and you'll never wake up again" just going to take a guess and say that might be Jeffs. But it could be any other pissed off pastas house to. Could be Toby's for all I know.

I wish I knew where Jack went in that hour I was asleep. Maybe I could go back and find Georgia and tell her we were both right. Ooo smile. "Hi smile" I whispered he growled and turned before walking away. "Ok another to add to the doesn't like me list." I sighed and continued. I bet this walking hasn't even taken up an hour. Iv got to wait at least eight before Jack goes back to my tree house. I went back to my house and just lay on the grass outside looking up past my house to the night sky. You can see so many stars out here.

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