Chapter 11

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I run straight towards the two backpacks. Thankfully, I grab them in time. Then I grab another big pack that's green and two knifes and run as fast as I can towards the woods. I finally stop when I can't run anymore. I start climbing a tree, since I'm an expert. Once when Katniss took me to the woods, I got bored and she let me climb trees, and now I'm really good at it. Once I think I'm high enough, I rest on a thick tree stump and sort through the packs. The red one contains medical things, just as I had suspected. It has band aids, pills that say fever on them, a syringe, some ointment, and some bottles of different types of liquids with labels on them. I open up the blue pack and see that it contains a sleeping bag, some glasses, a few more knives, some crackers, dried fruit, and two bottles of water. That's good! Then I open up the green bag. It contains two more bottles of water, beef jerky, some long rope, a big plastic bag, a water purifier, and an extra jacket! I've made some good choices.
I decide to put all of my things in the biggest pack. Then I sit on my tree stump and start thinking. Why didn't the careers catch me? Are they waiting for the right time? Then a sickening feeling washes over me. Where's Peeta and Rue? I really hope they're okay.
Once it starts to get dark, the temperature drops. I shiver and put on my extra jacket. Then I get into the sleeping bag and tie the rope around the tree stump and the sleeping bag to keep me from falling off. Right when I close my eyes, I hear the Capitol anthem. I look into the sky and see the dead tributes. The girl from District three, both from District four, both from Five, both from Eight, and both from Seven. That's 11 dead. 13 tributes left. I'm just relieved that Peeta and Rue haven't died.
I decide that I'm going to look for Rue and Peeta tomorrow. Then I drift off into a deep sleep.


"Prim." Someone whispers. I jolt awake.

Then a hand covers my mouth. "It's just me. Rue."

I sighed with relief. "Hey." I give her a hug. "Have you seen Peeta?"

"No. But we can go look later. Let's see what we each have and organize our things."

"That sounds like a good idea." I say.

I find out that Rue has a small pack, so I give her my blue one to fit in more stuff. She has some socks, matches, a sleeping bag, a lot of nuts, and a bottle of water. I give her one of my bottles and half of my crackers and fruit. Then I give her two knifes, since I have five more.

"You got a lot of things." She says.

"I know. I must be lucky."

"Let's go look for Peeta and maybe we can hunt on the way."

"Okay, but I'm not killing ANY animals."

"You'll need to eventually."

"Yeah, but now's not the time." I reply.


I laugh. "Come on."

We carefully climb down the tree and I find a big, fat rabbit sitting in front of me.

"Rue!" I whisper.

"Go kill it! I can't use a knife very well."

" What a great excuse!"

"Come on, Prim! You need to get over your fear!"

I sigh. "Come here, rabbit!" I pick it up. "I'm so sorry." I whisper. Then I stab it with my knife.

A tear rolls down my cheek. "Prim. It's ok." Rue gives me a hug.

I don't say anything for the next five minutes as I skim the rabbit meat and put it in my plastic bag.

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