Chapter 17

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Tears fill my eyes. "Peeta! It's Rue!"

He looks down at the dog. "Seriously?"

"Yes. Now what do we do?" I ask.

"Well, we can't just kill it."

"Um, guys..." Alice interrupts.

"Hold on Alice. Peeta, maybe we can try to lure it away?"


"Guys!" Alice interrupts again.

"What?" I ask.

"The dog."

I look down at the ground and see the dog two branches below us.

I keep staring at it and accidentally lean forward too much. Next thing I know, I'm suddenly dangling 20 feet above ground.

"Peeta!" I yell. He looks at me worriedly.

I realize I'm two branches below Peeta and Alice. What about the dog? I slowly look over at the dog and see that it's baring it's teeth. Rue wouldn't do that. Would she? I'm thinking too long and suddenly something bites my hand. I scream and then realize that I have my knife. I'm about to kill the dog but stop and look into it's eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. Then I plunge the knife into it's stomach. She falls to the ground.

"Prim! Are you okay?" Asks Alice.

"Not really."

She climbs down with Peeta and helps me sit. Then she looks at my hand.

"That was a deep bite." Peeta says.

Alice grabs my backpack and looks through the medical kit. She grabs some ointment and then wraps a bandage around my hand.

"Let's get down." Peeta suggests.

"Okay." I reply.

We jump down from the tree and then as soon as Alice hits the ground, the dog springs to life.

"What!?" I say.

"Run!" Alice screams.

I still can't run very fast so Peeta picks me up again.

"Alice!" I scream.

She's running and trying to catch up with us, but then the dog catches her foot. Alice falls and the dog starts to bite her.

"Alice!" I cry out.

I throw my knife at the dog again and it finally, truly, dies. Peeta stops running and we walk over to Alice. She's laying on the ground, bitten all over her body. I can't help her.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as tears run down my face.

"Prim, I was going to sacrifice myself anyways."

"But you shouldn't die. You don't deserve it. Just like Rue."

"I'll always be your friend." She smiles.

"You'll always be my friend, too."

Then her eyes stare into space and the cannon goes off.

"No!" I scream. I throw myself over Alice's body so that the hovercraft won't take her away.

"Prim, we have to go." Peeta says.

"No." I say firmly.

"Fine. Be like that."

The next thing I know, I'm being carried away from Alice by Peeta.

"No!" I scream as I flail around in his arms.

"Prim. If you want to get out of here, they need to take away Alice."

"But I didn't want Alice to die! I wanted her to leave with me!"

I jump out of Peeta's arms and run over to the spot where Alice died. But she's gone.

"Peeta! She's gone!" I sob.

"I know. Come on." He leads me over to the cornucopia.

"When are they announcing us as winners?" I ask.

"I have no idea." He replies.

"Excuse me, tributes. There's been a new rule change. Only one tribute may win the games. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor." Says an announcer.

I fall to the ground and sob.


Hehe cliff hanger! Hope you like this chapter! And please comment on something so I know you're there! Because I feel like you guys aren't reading my stories. And please vote, too. I won't post a chapter until I get at least 2 votes and comments.

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