Chapter 18

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I don't know how long I've been crying. I lay down on the grass and start to think. Why did the Capitol trick us? Why did they make us think that we had a chance?

"Prim?" Peeta asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I sniffle.

"What are we going to do?"

"I know what we should do."

I stand up and grab a knife from my pack. Then I point it towards my chest.

"Prim, what are you-"

"Just tell my mother and Katniss that I love them, okay?"

He nods and I see a tear roll down his cheek.

Just as I'm about to shove the knife into my body, the announcer interrupts.

"Wait! Wait! Please welcome the victors of the 74th Hunger Games!"

The announcer makes me jerk and the knife goes into my stomach instead of my chest. I scream and Peeta gently takes the knife out. This makes me scream even louder.

"Hey. It's okay." He says in a soft voice.

Just then I see a hovercraft. Peeta helps me step onto the ladder and once I touch it, I feel like I'm frozen into place. When the people on the hovercraft pull us up, I step onto the hovercraft and black out.


When I wake up, I see a yellow light in my face. There are tubes in my left arm and there's something on my mouth to help me breathe. I also feel bandages on my stomach. I lift up my right hand and feel my forehead. It's really soft and my scar is gone. Then I feel my hair. It's so silky!

Suddenly a red-headed girl walks into the room. The girl removes the thing on my mouth that helped me breathe. She also presses a button on my bed and it helps me sit up. Then she places a tray on my lap.

"Thank you." I say.

She nods and slips a spoon into my hand. Then she runs out of the room.

I look down at my food. It contains a small bowl of soup, a piece of bread, and a glass of water. I try my best not to spill the soup and then eat a little bit of the bread. I don't have much of an appetite though. When I finish eating I put the tray on the little table next to my bed. Then I fall asleep.

When I wake up again, the tubes are gone. I stand up and find a white long-sleeved dress on the chair next to my bed with some white flats. I put them on and then walk out of the room. I walk around the halls and hear people talking in one room. I step inside and find Haymitch, Effie, Peeta, Cinna, and Portia, Peeta's stylist.

"Um...hi." I say.

"Well, well, well, I see that Sleeping Beauty has finally woken up." Says Haymitch.

"Was I asleep for a long time?"

"Oh, no, just for 2 days." I think Haymitch is drunk.

"Are you drunk?"


I laugh.

Then Cinna stands up and gives me a hug.

"Good job." He whispers.

"Thanks." I say.

Effie also gives me a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

I grin. "Thank you."

I sit down in a chair next to Peeta.

"Does your stomach still hurt?" He asks.

"It's a bit sore."


"When are we going home?" I ask Haymitch.

"In two days. You're doing your interviews today." He replies.

I sigh. "Okay."

"Let's get started." Cinna says.

I nod and we head over to a room where I find my prep team.

"Primrose!" Octavia squeals. She squishes me into a hug.


"Sorry dear."

"Come sit!" Venia leads me over to a chair with a mirror.

My prep team spends the next few hours getting rid of any hair that has grown on my body since the interviews. Then they start fixing my hair, makeup, and nails.

"Are you ready to wear your dress?" Cinna asks.

I nod and he slips on my dress.

"Keep your eyes closed." Flavius says.

I hear some adjusting to my dress.

"Put these shoes on!" Venia says.

I feel a pair of hands leading me into a pair of shoes.

"Now open your eyes!" Cinna says.

I open my eyes and stare at the mirror. My hair is the same as when I did the interviews; two small stands of hair braided in the front. I look at my nails and notice that they're bright blue. My makeup consists of a bit of blue eyeshadow that makes my eyes bigger. My dress is sky blue and it's poofy at the bottom. Its also down to my knees and brings out my eyes. I glance at my shoes and notice that they're also sky blue.

"Cinna...thank you!" I give him a hug.

"Your welcome." He replies.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Are you done?" Effie.

"Yes, we'll be out in a moment." Says Cinna.

He gives me a hug. "Don't worry. I'll be in the audience, so if you're nervous, look at me."

I nod. "Thank you, again."

"You deserve it." He smiles.

"Prim! Come on dear!" I hear Effie.

I step out into the hallway and Effie looks at me.

"You're stunning!" She says.

I blush. "Thank you."

We meet up with Haymitch and Peeta in the elevator. Peeta's wearing a simple black tuxedo.

"You look nice." Says Peeta.

"Thank you. So do you." I reply.

We step out of the elevator and walk towards the interview stage.

"Stay over here until they call your names." Says Haymitch.

I suddenly hear Caesar's voice.

"And now, let's welcome our victors for the 74th Hunger Games, Primrose Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!"

I hold Peeta's hand and step out into the bright lights.


I tried to make this chapter long, so I hope you enjoyed it! Remember to vote and comment your thoughts about my story! I need two comments and votes for the next chapter! And I'm sorry if that's annoying, I just want to know if people are actually reading my story.

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