Chapter 16

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I stare at the tall figure that's towering over me. I keep staring at him, and I guess I zone out because the next thing I know I'm on the ground and I can barely breathe. He punched me in the stomach.

"Prim!" Peeta says as he kneels down next to me.

"I'm...fine." I wheeze.

Then Peeta stands up and punches Thresh. Thresh throws him on the ground and Peeta moans.

"Peeta!" I cry out.

Thresh starts to come towards me and I quickly grab a knife. I throw it at him, but my aim is off and it hits him in the leg. He curses and while he's distracted I run over to Peeta.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just feel dizzy." He replies.

Just then Thresh stands up and charges towards me.

"Just because you remind me of Rue doesn't mean I can't kill you!" He shouts.

He suddenly hangs me upside down. I can feel the blood rushing to my head and I start to feel dizzy. Then he throws me across the cornucopia and I scream.

My head is pounding and everything is blurry. I hear Peeta yelling but I can't move.

A moment later I hear a girl and a boy screaming. Then I realize that we totally forgot about the girl and boy from 9. (A/N: I completely lost track of who died so forgive me if it's confusing or if the kids from 9 already died.)

I lift my head up slightly and see the kids from District 9 trying to hurt Thresh. They throw knifes and swords at him. I hear a cannon.

Then I see bright blue eyes. Peeta.

"Prim? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah. But my vision is a bit wonky and I'm dizzy." I reply.

The kids from 9 come towards us.

"Leave me alone!" I say, trying to back up.

"We're not going to hurt you." The girl says softly.

" mean you want to be allies?" Asks Peeta.

"We can't. It's just us left." The boy replies.

"So we're sacrificing ourselves." The girl says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because a girl your age shouldn't die this young. And you've interested me ever since the interviews." She replies.

I smile.

I suddenly hear a dog.

"Run!" The boy screams.

I struggle to stand. Peeta notices and just picks me up in his arms. Then he runs as fast as he can.

"Peeta! Wait for the others!" I cry out.

"We...can't..." He pants.

I notice the boy and girl trying to keep up.

"Hurry!" I yell.

Then I notice a pack of dogs behind them. They run faster but the boy trips. The girl tries to help him up but it's too late. The dogs got to him. The girl slows down.

"Come on!" I scream to the girl while tears run down my face.

She must realize that's it's hopeless to go back and catches up with us. Then a cannon goes off. The girl looks like she's been crying, which totally makes sense. She just lost someone from home; she has every right to cry about it.

"Let's climb up the tree." Peeta says.

The dogs aren't far behind, but I think we can make it up the tree.

Peeta helps me up the tree since I'm still a little weak. Then I grab his hand and pull him up next to me. The girl sits on the branch across from us.

"I'm sorry about your district partner." I say.

She sighs. "It's okay. It would've had to happen anyway."

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Alice. My partner's name was Robert."


I hear the dogs approaching us.

"Peeta, hand me my knifes."

He gives me my remaining knifes, which consist of 10.

When the dogs get close enough, I'm going to try to kill them.

"Did you hear that?" Asks Alice.

I listen carefully. Then I start to hear scratches.

I slowly look down. The dogs are trying to climb the tree. I throw my knifes at the dogs and then realize something. Their eyes look familiar. I try to ignore the thought and have killed every dog except for the last one. I hesitate to do this because she looks like someone I know.

"Peeta! Alice! Look at her eyes!" I say.

"Woah." They say in unison.

I look back at the dog and try to identify its facial features. It has long, dark, thick hair, but that's not what throws me off. It's those eyes, those big dark eyes, that trigger my memory.

I'm looking at Rue.


Hope you liked this chapter! I tried to make it long. Remember to comment you ideas and vote for my story!

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