Chapter 19

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Peeta and I walk over to Caesar to take a seat but I realize that the chair is only meant for one. Peeta takes a seat and I'm just staring at him until he pulls me onto his lap.

"Awwww." I hear the audience.

Caesar sits down across from us.

"Well, we never thought we would see you two again." He says.

That was rude.

"It was hard, but we got through it." Peeta replies.

"What was the arena like for you?"

"It was...interesting." Peeta says.

"What about you, Prim?"

"It was very dangerous."

"Mmm. What was it like being allies with those two girls, Rue and Alice?"

I feel a pang in my chest.

"It was fun, but at the same time, sad, because they both died right in front of me. And I couldn't even save them. They were really nice and sweet. I wish they didn't die." I say as tears form in my eyes.

I hear some sniffles in the crowd.

"Okay, enough questions. Now let's watch the games again!"

Uh oh. I'm not going to be able to watch them without breaking down. Peeta reassuringly squeezes my hand.

The Capitol made the theme of this years Hunger Games a brother-sister story. The video starts out with the reaping. I watch myself walk up to the stage with a tear rolling down my cheek. Then I see Peeta, the look of surprise registered on his face. It skips to the chariot rides, where I'm riding on Peeta's shoulders with my cape. Then I see my interview, and the part where I spin around and my dress glows on fire. I also see Peeta's interview, and when he expresses his love for Katniss. Then I see us in the games, and I'm doing fine until I see Rue die. Tears stream down my face, no doubt messing up my makeup. When I see Alice die, I cry even more. Then it leads up to the part where I accidentally stab myself in the stomach. Then I suddenly feel a pain right where the knife entered my body. I glance back at the screen and realize that the video is over.

"That was extraordinary! Let's give another big hand to Primrose Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!" Says Caesar.

Peeta and I stand up and look over at the crowd. They're all cheering and some are wiping away a few tears.

"We wish the best of luck to you when you arrive back in District 12 and we'll see you in a few months for the Victory tour!" Caesar says.

Ugh. I hate the Victory Tour, where you have to travel around the Districts. It'll be very hard when I have to go to Rue's and Alice's districts. I decide to clear the thought and think about when I'll be able to go home.

"Thank you for everything!" I say and give Caesar a big hug.

"Awww!" I hear again.

Peeta and I walk off the stage to find Effie and Haymitch backstage.

"You are too adorable!" Effie says as she pinches my cheeks.

"Ow." I say and rub my cheeks.

"You need to go get your crowns from President Snow! He's going to announce you as victors!" She says.

Cinna comes over and looks at my makeup disapprovingly.

"We'll just wipe it off." He says as he produces a wet cloth and wipes my face.

"I'll take you to Snow!" Effie squeals.

Peeta and I trail behind behind her and end up in a big golden room with a crystal chandelier. I see people with cameras and realize that this will be broadcasted across Panem. President Snow suddenly walks into the room, followed by a little girl with a pillow and two crowns. I recognize her as his granddaughter, with blond hair like mine. The only difference is that she has brown eyes. We're even the same age. She smiles at me as he takes the first crown and places it on Peeta's head. Then he places the second crown on me, his snake-like eyes boring into my eyes. I can tell that he hates me. (A/N: don't hate me for making Snow's granddaughter have blond hair. I felt like it.)

"Congratulations." He says to both of us.

"Thank you." I reply politely.

He stares at me until we're ushered out of the room.

"Come on, let's go to the train!" Effie squeaks.

We follow her and meet Haymitch in the dining hall.

"We need to talk." He says.

He motions for Peeta and I to follow him. Then he locks us in a closet.

"You two have caused a disruption across the Districts. Know why?" He looks at me.

"I didn't do anything! I was just trying to sacrifice myself for Peeta, then all of the sudden, some guy says that we're the winners!"

"Yes, because the Capitol loves you. They didn't want you to die. "

"What do you want us to do about that?" Peeta asks.

"Try to act like you're one of them now. "

"Okay." I reply.

"Now go wash up and get ready for dinner."

I nod and run to my room. I take a shower and then get dressed in white leggings with a pink sweater. Then I walk to the dining room and take a seat at the table where I find everyone already there.

"When are we going to be back in District 12?" I ask as we dig into our meal.

"Tomorrow afternoon. But there will be plenty of cameras." Effie says.

I moan. I hate paparazzi. They won't leave anyone alone. I dismiss the thought and quickly finish my meal and my dessert.

"May I be excused?" I ask Effie.

"Of course dear."

I walk back to my room and put on a white nightgown, leaving my hair down. I think about what Haymitch said to me, about causing a disruption amongst the Districts. Did I really do that? I'm too young to have caused an uprising. I don't want to cause any trouble. Then I start thinking about Katniss and my mother. Are they okay? What if they get hurt because of me? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. My mind suddenly drifts off to what will happen tomorrow. I'm going to see Katniss and my mother! I've missed them so much. But now everything will be different. I'll probably look different and act more mature. But that doesn't matter, I guess. I try to push my thoughts away and fall into a deep sleep.


Hope you liked this chapter! OMG! The next chapter is going to be the last chapter😥 I'm gonna miss writing this. Do you guys think I should do a book 2? If so, comment below and if you have any ideas feel free to tell me! I need 2 votes and comments for the next chapter!

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