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    As two weeks past and my comment towards Mr. C has died down. Thank God. I walked to the band room and I started jamming on the guitar. I shouldn't be playing but, it helps me realive stress.

      As minutes pass I heard someone shout, "It's Madison Root! She's back!" Everyone around her snicker. I turned around and half of my grade was standing in front of me.

       Tears formed in my eyes and I ran out of the school. I got into my Mustang and I drove to the graveyard where Paul was buried.

     As I walked up to his grave, I sat found and started talking to him. "I miss you Uncle, I wish you were here with me," I took a deep breath before I continued. "Even though you might not hear me, I wish life was better. I might drop out of school again because I fucked up again. I need you by my side again Uncle Paul..." I bursted out into tears.

     Must I continue? Should I continue? I should just kill myself, so I can be with Paul.

       Jim's POV
   "Where is she? It's been three hours since school ended." I began to pace, muttering many things.

      Chris grabbed my shoulders," She will be okay Jim." I shook it off and I continued to pace. She can't be okay. Why won't she answer her phone? My phone finally answered, but it was the hospital.

       "Hello? Is this Jim Root?"

         "Yes," I managed to say. I was completely dazed.

       "I'm sorry Mr. Root, but your daughter is in the hospital once again." I hung up and my vision went completely blurry.

      Corey grabbed me and shook me. "Is she in the hospital?" I nod. Corey grabs the keys and takes me, Shawn and Sid to the hospital. Please Madison, push through this. Please.

"She's right in here Mr. Root." I pushed pass the nurse and I ran over to Madison. I glanced at her wrists, across and down the rode," No no no..." I held her hand and sobbed.

"She's lucky to be alive. We saved her just in time," the nurse said reassuringly before walking away. Corey, Sid and Shawn sat down next to me.

"She must have been at Pauls grave, Jim," Sid muttered while putting his face in his hands.

Corey rubbed his eyes. "Most likely. She's still having a hard time with his death. and it has been seven years. She needs Paul in her life. Paul was a second father to her. Since he's gone, Madison needs to keep herself occupied."

Everyone started thinking. Until Shawn stood up." Lightblub. She can join Slipknot! She can play the guitar AND she can also sing and scream like Corey."

Sid nodded." Even though it will remind her of Paul. She can play her emotions out," Sid added.

I smiled. " That's a great idea guys! Let's ask her once she gets out of the hospital. I don't want her to have anymore stress. "

"Agreed," Sid, Corey and Shawn said in unison.

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