For Him

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Madisons POV
Today is the day when I perform again. Only two days ago I found out about the death of my best friend. I don't know how in going to do this, but I have too. I put on lip balm, some blush, mascara and I put my hair up in a high ponytail. My eyes were bloodshot, I walked out of the bus with sweatpants, and I tank top. Honestly, I looked pathetic at this point.

"Sweet heart, come over here. You have to get dressed before the show," my father I said. I looked into his eyes, I ran up to my father and I jumped into his arms. I can't lose my father, he's one of few people in my life I have left. My father's arms wrapped around me as I held back tears.

"I'll get ready," I whispered as I let go of my father. He kissed my check and I went into my dressing room. As I walked in my room, I saw Griffin, and I immediately smiled. He walked up to me and kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you Grif." I put my head against his chest and I closed my eyes.

Griffin chuckled. "Madison. You have to get ready." I sighed while going behind a curtain and putting on ripped jeans, Slipknot jacket and my combat boots. "You look gorgeous."

I smiled while hugging him. "I don't know if I can do this Grif." I gripped tighten as I held back tears.

Griffin pit his head against mine. We were quiet for seconds. "How about this, in tribute for Chester, you sing a Linkin Park song." My eyes light up. That's perfect, I just have to ask my father!

"Grif! That's a great idea!" I jumped into his arms and kissed him. I looked into his eyes and we both smiled. We locked lips again and he put me down. "I'll meet you in here when we finish." He nodded, I grabbed my guitar and mask and went to my father.

I finally found my father and he was talking to Corey and Chris. "Hey father? Can I ask you something?" My father turned around and smiled. "I was wondering if I can sing Numb and Crawling from Linkin Park, a tribute for Chester."

My father, Corey and Chris looked at each other and nodded. "Sure! You can play it at the end," Corey said.

"Thank you so much Corey," I smiled while hugging Corey.

As time past, Slipknot went on stage and we performed our songs. At the end of the performance, I went off to the side of the stage, I took of the mask not caring about people taking videos and I walked back on stage. "Hello, I'm Madison Root and this is my face," I looked down at my toes and looked up again. "Everyone here knows about Chester Bennington's death, and I'm here to play a song as a tribute for him." The crowd started cheering and my father was smiling from the side of the stage.

    As I sang the songs, the crowd sang the chorus, while I was crying a little. "Thank you guys so much. It means a lot," I smiled as the crowd continued to cheer. I walked off stage and nine men cheered for me.

    "You sounded amazing, Madi," my father said.

    "Thank you dad, it was great, I just wish that Chester was standing next to me singing with me like years before. "

    They all looked down trying not to show their emotions. "Well Madison, you can rest until we get to Jersey, we have a few hours and the show is in 4 days," Corey said while giving me a fist bump. I nodded and I wished everyone a good night as I ran to the bus. God's, I was exhausted.

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