Hey Griffin Taylor

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Madison's POV
"Wake up Madison, the bus is here," Griffin says while shaking me. Griffin is Corey Taylors son. I have had a little crush on him for a while now.(A/N, I am making Griffin 17 in this book, I know he is younger but I have to change it up) I rubbed my eyes. "You can get ready on the bus. We can't be late for the show in Des Moines."

I groaned and I got up. I put my hair in a messy bun, not attractive but I really don't care. It's 5 am, and I wish I was sleeping. Griffin grabbed my wrist and we ran downstairs. "Woah dude, calm down, I fragile, " I chuckled. Griffin laughed. As we got onto the bus, everyone cheered, 'She's finally here!' Griffin and I looked at each other, and chuckled. Griffin finally let go of my wrist and he showed me to my bunks.

    "You sleep here, right above my bunk. You can sleep now," Griffin said while poking my waist. I jerked and glared at him while chuckling.

    "Nah, I'm pretty awake now, Grif. And besides, it looks like the guy had Starbucks delivered to the bus. Besides, I have to practice before the show later. " Griffin nodded and he got into bed and fell asleep. I sighed and I opened my suitcase getting out my clothes for the day. I took out my black ripped jeans, a Pentagram crop top and combat boots. I got changed into the bathroom and put on light blush, gloss, cat eye eyeliner and mascara. I threw my hair up in a messy bun again and I went into the living room of the bus. My father handed me my coffee and I smiled.

    "Thank you, father." I sipped my coffee and I raised my eyebrow at the TV. Sid chuckled at my reaction. "What? I love Game of Thrones," I laughed while putting my coffee down and almost sitting on top of Sid.

    Sid laughed harder. I rolled my eyes and I pinched his cheeks. The rest of the guys jumped on the couch to watch the episode, except Griffin. I had to sit on Sids lap since there was no room on the couch for me to sit, and I refuse to sit on the floor with Shawn. When Shawn watches the show, he screams and he starts punching the air, and I don't want to get punched by him.

    By the end of the episode we arrived to where we were preforming at 1pm later that day. I got off the couch and I turned off the TV.  I walked to the back of the bus to wake up Griffin. "Hey Grif, wake up, we are here," I whispered into his ear. He shot up and he hit his head on the bunk above him. I bursted out into tears. I was laughing so hard that I fell to the floor, my arms wrapped around my stomach. My stomach hurt so much because I was laughing so hard. Griffin rubbed his head and got up out of bed and he bent down and he starte tickling me.

"Oh my god, Griffin stop!" I screamed.

"I'm not stopping," Griffin smirked while chuckling. Corey and my father came out from the corner and they were smiling. I couldn't see anything, there was so much water in my eyes.

Corey walked over to us. "Alright Griffin, knock it off. She has to practice," Corey chuckled. Griffin got off of me and I rubbed my eyes. I stood up and went into the bathroom to curl my hair. I curled it to the right side so it can show off my industrial piercing. I also put on my Slipknot 'S' necklace and walked to the backstage area.

This show should be interesting.

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