Q&A Part 1

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    Madisons POV

Days past since I performed on stage for Chester, and I have gotten a lot of emails to do Q&A's in person. It's really strange, I never get this much attention. But it's my fault for taking off my mask at the concert. "Hey dad, I finally agreed to do one Q&A. I'm only doing one for now. But in the future I'll do more."

       My dad hugged me,"Alright sweetheart. When is it?"

     I looked back at my email once again," Its today at 3pm. It's going to be backstage." I put my hair up in a messy bun and turned on the tv. Then I looked at the clock hanging over the sink, it's 12pm.

    "Okay, I'm fine with that. I'm going to make sure that the guys are going to be on the bus. Then we have to go to the airport to go to Florida." I nodded my head. "You should start getting ready, so you can be there on time. I know you and getting ready."

    I rolled my eyes. "Haha," I laughed sarcastically. My dad turned off the tv and glared at me. I groaned, I got up and I took a show. After I got out I dried my hair and I started getting dressed. I put on ripped jeans, black combat boots and a white tank top. Then I put my hair in two French braids, some mascara, blush and lip gloss and I went back into the living room area of the bus.

    "You look gorgeous Madi," a familiar voice said. I turned around to see Griffin in his PJs and mess hair. I smiled and I pecked his lips.

    I heard another groan," Get a room," it was Sid.

     I chucked.  "Oh Sidney," I smirked and I sat down next to him on the couch and I start tickling him. He bursted out into tears, crying for me to stop. Eventually I did, after Shawn yelled at me.

I glanced at the clock. Oh crap. It's time. I looked out the window to see a limo, I'm guessing thats my cue. I said goodbye to the guys and I got into the limo. "Good afternoon, Miss.Root. Would you like to go straight to the venue or get lunch?" The man said very politely.

    "Lunch please. Is there a Panera Bread near by?"

   "Yes there is, its a few blocks away from the venue.

     I smiled," Take me there Ser." He nodded and we drove off.

    After I ate my huge strawberry salad with a chicken turkey avocado sandwich and a ice tea, I went to the venue. I sat inside the limo as there were screaming Slipknot fans outside the limo.

    I've got a bad feeling about this...

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