Q&A Part 2

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Madison's POV

    As I step outside of the limo, my bodyguard runs me inside of the venue as I'm covering my face. So many people are taking pictures of me and I'm not liking it.

     "Hi, you must be Madison Root. I am Jane, I will be asking you the questions and you just answer them." Before I got to say anything, I was dragged to a seat on the stage and thankful the audience couldn't see me. I was in complete shock. If this is seriously what people go through for a venue? I closed my eyes for a second to calm myself down, but then Jane came out telling me that it was starting. Shit, I'm not ready yet!

"Hey Jane? How many questions will you ask?"

She looked at her cards, "Maybe 10 or 15, it depends on how much time we have." Okay then, I see how it is you ass. The curtains opened and Jane introduced me. As she was introducing me, everything was a daze. I couldn't focus on anything. But I answered the answered the questions honestly.

As we were on the tenth and last question, this question stuck out like a sore thumb. "What is like without your mother in your life?" I gulped, I took a sip of water and sighed.

"I mean it sucks, but I know she's happy for me though," I said staring at Jane coldly.

"I know I said that would be the last question but, how would you feel if your mother cheated on your father the entire relationship?"

I stared at the crowd, then back at her. The crowd was more shocked than me. Some people were recording it, I hope they post it everywhere. This was a reason why I didn't want to show my face to people. "What the fuck kind of question is that?! I'm leaving goodbye!" I ran off stage while trying to call my father. It went straight to voicemail. "Father, I'm going to meet you at the airport now. Please hurry up. I love you, bye." I hoped into the limo and he drove me to the airport.

As minutes passed, my father started calling me. "Hey honey, how was your Q&A?"

"It was good," I lied, "I loved the questions. I'm almost at the airport."

I heard my father yelling at Sid, oh Sid I giggled. "Oh honey, I forgot to tell you. We won't be flying down, there is a storm so we will be driving down."

      "WHAT?!"  My driver slammed on the breaks and it sent me flying to the ground. Fuck... I got back up and told my driver the news. "Bye dad. I'll see you there." I hung up and I rubbed my temple.

     As we pulled up to the tour bus, Sid and Shawn were yelling at each other. I have to be on the bus with them for more days? Ugh. "Thank you so much."

    "Anytime," the driver said. He pulled away and I ran over to the boys. They didn't realize that I was there so I punched the bus as hard as I possible could. They jumped.

     I bit my lip. "Stop just stop! I can't deal with this for a few more days!" Sid stared at me and I was trying to hold back the tears. My fist was pounding, I'm praying that I didn't break my hand. I walked onto the bus and I grabbed a bag of ice and I laid down on the couch icing my hand. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep, ignoring all of the screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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