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Madisons POV
As hours passed, Griffin and I were watching a movie on the couch. We cuddle, we watched the movie, we had some pillow fights, I even put makeup on his face. This night couldn't go sour. I was wrong.
     Griffin handed me my phone, my father was calling. "Yes dad?"

"I have terrible news Madison..." Someone said on the other line. I'm guessing it's Corey, "Chester passed away..." I gulped. No no no. Not someone in my life dead. Please no. I stood up and my vision became very blurry. Tears flooded my face. "We will be back at the bus in a few minutes."

"Okay," I tried saying. I hung up and went into the kitchen area. I stared at the knives. Then at the bottle of vodka sitting on the counter. What should I do? I picked up the bottle of vodka and started drinking. Griffin walked up to me and grabbed the bottle out of the hand.

He picked me up and put me on the couch, "Shh, what happened Madi?" He stroked my hair and I grabbed his other hand. I looked into his eyes and cried more. I felt so light headed, not because of the alcohol, because I was crying. Uncontrollably.

"Chester died..." I muttered catching my breath. I saw in Griffins eyes he wanted to cry as well, but he acted brave so he can help me. I've seen so much in my life. The death of Paul, the death of my brother, my aunt, my grandmother, my grandfather, now Chester. I can't lose more people I care about. Even though I haven't seen Chester in a few weeks, we still texted. His kids and I texted each other. Griffin sat on the couch with me.

He put a blanket over me," Fall asleep okay? I'll be right here. I won't leave you." I nodded and I closed my eyes hugging a pillow. I drifted off into my slightly strange dreams.

Griffins POV
As minutes passed, Madison was already asleep. Poor girl, she has seen so much. So many deaths in her family. The first death was her brother, he died because he got hit by a drunk driver. That's the only death she has told me about, the other deaths, she hasn't explained to me. It's to hard on her.

"Grif?" My father whispered. Finally they are back. The guys walked over, they seem pretty sober to me. "How is the holding up?"

I breathed. "She finally just went to bed. And she was out of it. She drank some vodka before I took the bottle away from her, I'm glad she didn't grab the knives, that would have been worse."

Jim walked up to me and picked up his daughter that was asleep. She looks so adorable. "Thank you so much Griffin. If you weren't here, who knows what else she would have done," Jim smiled. His eyes were bloodshot. I don't know if he was crying or if he's tired. Maybe both. In two days Slipknot has another show. I don't know if Madison can play in her condition. I hope she does. Her being apart of the band, brought something out of her. More confidentence.

"Are you okay Griffin?" Jay asked.

I nodded slowly. "I'm hanging in there. I haven't felt death since Paul passed. But Madison, she has seen way to much of it. She needs a lot of help. And I think I know what could help her through it."

(A/N Hi guys! Sorry for not updating, for a few days. I've been busy. I will try to write two more chapters before my band camp starts on Monday. And I recently just met Corey Taylor! Crazy right? Most of you guys reading this might have seen Slipknot live before, I haven't. I'm trying to get my parents to go to a concert, it's really hard. But that day I met him, actually changed my life. He was so sweet, I hope I can meet him again or see him live at a concert, or both! I know this might be odd, me writing something about Chester Bennington, but, it's a small tribute. Even though I listen to a couple songs from Linkin Park, its still sad to see someone pass away. Rest In Peace Chester❤️)

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