Visitor (Hide and Seek) : Park Jimin

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Knock, knock.

Knock, knock.

Knock, knock.

Knock, knock.

I groan and sit up on my bed and turn on the lamp. I rub my eyes and sigh. Here he is visiting again. Never misses a day.

"Why can't you just go to bed? You littleㅡ"
"Hey!" The soft voice of a child spoke, stopping me from insulting him.

"What?" I asked irritated. I didn't want to wake up, the fourth time again. I look to my right at the corner of my bedroom. He stayed there silent. He liked hiding in the shadows. He seemed to always favorite that side of the corner too.

"I can't sleep, Hyung." He spoke again. Rubbing his eyes too as he hugged his knees. I yawn. I look at the time on my phone, 3:45 AM.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" I stand up and scratch my hair. I walk over to him and bend down to his level. He looked at me with pure happiness.

"Can we play Hide and Seek?" He smiled at me, his two front teeth missing. I sigh and drop my head.

"But we've been playing that game five times so far."

I shake my head and then he pouts.

"I promise to go to bed if you find me. I promise."

I stop in my tracks and grin.

"Alright. But if I can't find you, I'll just head to bed. Got that?"

He pouts again. And I growl.

"I have a busy schedule that starts in three hours. I can't play all night like last time. My members were really angry when I arrived two hours late for our interview three weeks ago."

The boy nods his head. "Alright Hyung."

I nod my head and close my eyes then begin counting. I hear his feet shuffling and he giggles. I get to 15 and I hear him run into my closet to hide.

"18. 19. 20! Ready or not here I come!"I playfully sing out as I look around my room.

I check underneath my bed, then the bathroom, underneath the desk, in my little hamper. Even though I knew where he was hiding, I wanted the boy to have some fun.

I slowly creep over to my closet, I hear the light clank of hangers and small shuffling. I grin.

"I wonder where Park Young Joo is hiding?" I slowly open my closet door. I look to my left, nothing.

"Hmm..." I hum as I back away from my closet. "I swear I heard him run into my closet to hide..." 

I can hear him giggle. Then I dim my lamp and crawl towards my closet.

"Hyung!" Young Joo squeaked and walked out of the closet. I jump at him and he shrieks. He falls on the floor and starts giggling, I laugh too.

"I found you! Now I can sleep!" I happily exclaimed. He pouts.

Just then Yoongi Hyung comes into my room, pissed as hell.

"What the fuck Jimin? Do you know what time it is!?"

Namjoon comes in too, eyes puffed.

"Yah, who are you talking to? We need to wake up early for the interview butt munch!"

I drop my arms and look at the infuriated Hyungs. I realized I was holding my breath.

"N-nobody Namjoon. I was justㅡ"
"Shut it Jimin. We need to sleep." Namjoon interrupted me. I nod my head. He goes back to his bedroom and Yoongi stands there watching me. He didn't seem sleepy anymore, or mad.

I give him a small smile that was full of fear.

"He came to visit you and play hide and seek huh?"

My eyes widen and my mouth drops. I couldn't believe it. He knows!?

I nod my head. "Y-yeah. How'd youㅡ"

"He visits me too. Or tries to. I seem to always scare him off with my grumpy side." He chuckles and gives me his gummy smile.

Before I answered, the boy crawls out from behind the desk. "It's true. Yoongi Hyung is scary when he's grumpy. That's why I go see you sometimes Jimin." The three of us stood in silence. Sharing glances at each other.

"Well I better go. Sorry for waking you Yoongi Hyung. Tell Namjoon that Jimin and I didn't mean to wake you two up."

"It's alright. And I'll be sure to tell Namjoon that." He winks.

The boy disappears through the wall, leaving Yoongi and I in silence.

"How long have youㅡ"

"It started happening five weeks ago. I was scared at first but, he seemed friendly. So I said that he could visit anytime he wants."

I nod my head. "Are we the only ones that can interact with him?"

He nods and walks back to his room too.

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