A Strange Painting : Kim Seokjin

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I checked into a hotel in Busan, late at night. I was pretty tired and ready to fall into a deep slumber.

As I sauntered towards my arranged room, a strange painting watched every move I made. I didn't mind. My mind must be shutting down slowly. Making me delusional.

"Room 208." I sigh and slide the key card into the slot then retrieve it. The door unlocks with a beep. I enter the room, which was poorly designed. The wallpapers didn't match the maroon drapes and the carpet as well. The bedding was a disgusting plain white, with i think was mustard stain.

"Does anybody ever clean this room?"

[Time skip]

I walk out of the shower, it was nearly 5 in the morning. My room was dim, but everything was easy to make out. I had my towel wrapped around my waist to cover my manhood and my torso was bare. I stand in front of the oval mirror that hung neatly in the middle of the room, before my bed.

I examined my lean but manly body. As I smile at my own vanity, I noticed yet another strange painting that hung above my bed. It was watching me with a scowling look and I creeped out a little. I turn around and it looked like the picture had blinked but I could be mistaken. My mind was tired.

I slip on my boxers and crawl into the oddly sweet fragranced bedsheet and heave out a sigh. I raise my eyes to meet the painting that looked down at me, arms folded. I shut my eyes quickly and drift off to Neverland.

8 AM

My phone blares and I reach out to turn it off. I saunter out of bed and go take a leak. I flush then wash my hands and decide to get dressed.

I walk out of the bathroom, boxers and all. My mind reminiscing about the strange picture and I turn around. I gasp and drop my picked shirt. The painting of a woman was gone. I take a close look at the blank painting and as I neared it, I became horrified.

It was not a painting. It was a hollowed out wall, and to make matters worse, it gave an optical illusion that it was just a painting on the wall. I see a pink note on my pillow and I slowly pick it up to read.

"You sleep like an angel and your body is magnificent. I hope to see you again tonight."

I make a horrified face and quickly get dressed. I grab my one luggage and check out of...

"Oh my god."

Hotel of Voyeurs. This housed those people who took pleasure in exotic ways. And I was one of the Voyeurs victims.

"Please come again." The bellboy said in a terrifyingly calm tone. Watching me with those brown eyes. I shuttered and walked out of the hotel, never to go back.

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