The Lady in Black : Kim Taehyung

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"She's been annoying the fuck out of me lately," I stir my coffee and take a small sip. Jimin gives me that mean look. "She comes by a lot lately." I think about her and set my coffee down, not wanting to drink anymore.

"How could you talk about her like that?! She's your girlfriend!! She's also pregnant with your child!" He slams his hand which startled me and Jungkook good. I spill my coffee on my left thigh. I curse as I stained my comfortable white sweats.

"I wasn't talking about Yoona, you idiot. I was talking about that lady who comes by all the time at night." I wipe my now stained sweats and angrily throw the tissue away. I won't be able to get the stain out now. Jimin raises his brows at me and looks at Jungkook.

Jungkook was also getting visits from the lady in black. He told Jimin this, and only Jimin.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked as I look at Jungkook who trembled with fear. He looked very tired. He had dark eye bags a he twitched a lot when something near him clicked. The three of us were home alone and we all heard that strange click sound.

"D-does she wear a black veil and black dress?" I widened my eyes at the distinct description Jungkook gave.

"Yeah, and her face... It scares the hell out of me." A flash of her face from last nights encounter scares me and I shutter.
"Especially her glowing yellow eyes.." I shake my head and Jungkook does the same. We all hear the click again and Jungkook loses it. He gets up from the table and starts flailing his arms, screaming nonsense.

Jimin holds him down and calms him.

"She's here." Was all our Maknae kept repeating. Jimin gave me a concerned look as he held a trembling, frightened Jungkook. My heart broke seeing our Maknae broken like this.

"Who's here Kookie? Hey, hey. Look at me." Jimin fixes Jungkooks gaze. His eyes were stuck on something that lingered in the dark corner of our kitchen. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I felt very cold. I drop my cup. Jimin looks at me. Afraid.

"She's here." Jungkook and I both say at the same time. Just as we say that, the kitchen lights flicker and then we hear a loud bang come from upstairs of our house. Jungkook stands up quick, and so does Jimin.

We hear an evil cackle in every corner. It sounded as if it was coming from the walls around us. The lights were still flickering and the atmosphere felt off. Our hearts were racing, and we were all afraid. Especially Jungkook. Jimin let out a shriek as he jumped away from the patio door. Jungkook and I hold onto each other tight.

"H-Hyung... Don't, don't let her take me." He said, voice full of fear. I gulp and nod my head.

"She won't get you Jungkook."

She let out a loud, ear deafening cackle that made our ears ring. I drop to the floor, eyes shut tightly and screaming. The kitchen was a mess. The table was split in half. The cupboards were opened. Plates were shattered on the floor. I open my eyes and see Jungkook screaming and kicking at the Lady in Black. I shout and run towards him.

"Hyung!! Hyung!!"
"Jungkook-ssi!! No!"
"Jungkook!! Hold on!!"

Jimin and I both grab his legs as he was being pulled by the lady that haunted the Maknae and I. The lights were flickering over and over, darkness nearly surrounding us. The woman grabbed hold of my arm and looked at me, her eyes glowing yellow and she smiled at me crookedly. I leg go and fall back. I froze. My heart was beating so rapidly, I was afraid it would stop suddenly.

"Hyung!" Jungkook flailed and kicked his legs. Jimin was desperately trying to free him from her strong hold. Sweat beat down his face as he tried his hardest to keep a strong hold on Jungkook.

"Tae-Taehyung! Help me!" Jimin looks at me and lost grip of Jungkooks leg for a split second then grabbed hold of his hand. Jungkook was crying.

"Hyung! Don't let her take me please?!!! Please!!" He screamed as the lady scratched at the nape of his neck and then his arms. He was reaching out for me, but I couldn't move. I was too afraid. The images she showed me through those evil yellow eyes scared the shit out of me.

"You're mine! Mine! All mine!!" She spoke in that loud demonic voice. Jimin let go of the Maknaes leg and fell back just like I had done. Jungkook gasped and screamed one last time. His eyes darkened and his face grew pale. The darkness was growing darker and colder.

I came to my senses and stood up, my heart shattered as the Lady in Black held onto our Maknae.

"Taehyung!! Jimin!! Please!!" He was flailing his arms and legs. The Lady put her pale black hands around Jungkooks jaw and snapped it. His limp body fell to the ground and she let out another evil cackle. The house was shaking, the ceiling cracking.

"Jungkook-ssi!!" I screamed, my eyes watering.  I ran towards the corner and attack her. Jimin sobbed as he crawled towards the now dead Jungkook.

I was too weak to fight the Lady, she held my left arm and twisted it behind my back and then grabbed my right arm and broke it. I screamed in excruciating pain. Jimin looked at me, eyes red. Then the Lady placed her cold hands around my neck and I let out a small breath. I look at Jimin and give him a small weak smile.

The ceiling was crumbling, the house still shaking. Jimin shakes his head at me. I let a tear stream down my cheek.

"Tell the Hyungs, I love them." And just as I said those last words, she slices my throat open and I choke on my blood. Jimin lets out a heartbroken scream. The lady smiles at him, and he growls.

"You're next Jimin.."

She lets me go and I fall to the floor, coughing up blood. I tried to stop myself from bleeding out but her cut was too deep. The lady disappears and everything stops shaking. The lights turn on. Jimin crawls to me, placing a hand on my neck.

It was painful to try and breath. I couldn't stop coughing and choking on my own blood. The life was being drained out of me. My face was beginning to pale and I was growing cold. Jimin cried as he tried to stop the bleeding.

"No. No no no. You'll be fine." He sniffled and wiped his face, smearing my blood across his face. I tried to inhale, but my throat would burn so painfully. My vision was blurring and everything was spinning. The light was growing brighter.

"Don't..." I cough, "Let... Her....," I cough again. "Get...... You too." I choke and my heart slowly beats.

"Protect.... Each other....." With every second, my life was slipping. "I love you guys..... so much." I held onto his hand tightly and then take my last breath. My grip on Jimins hand no longer tight. He began to cry and lay beside me. My pool of blood surround us.

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