Dressing Room (The Encounter) : Min Yoongi

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The members all leave me behind and I sighed in relief.

"I haven't been left alone since.... Forever!" I chuckled happily. I rest my butt on the chair and lay my head on the make up table. I close my eyes and enjoy the silence.

I was about to sleep when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I leave my eyes closed and sit up, assuming it was one of the stylist or makeup artists. I fold my arms and sit there. I didn't hear the door open earlier. But anyway, I hear clanking of makeup applications being moved around. I open my eyes and see a beautiful young woman, in her early 20s.

She looks new. I smile as I give her my gummy smile. She smiles back at me.

"You're a newly recruited stylist ah?"

She nods and takes a brush and dabs it with the dark chocolate colored make up. I smile again.

"You know, you're very beautiful. You have nice skin. What moisturizer do you use?"

She smiles at me, not answering my question. I shrug and ask her a different question. She doesn't seem like the talkative type.

"Where are the rest of the guys?"

She stayed silent for about 7 seconds. She reapplied my makeup and dabbed the sweat that dribbled down my temple.

"They're just outside the door." She spoke softly. As if she were talking to an infant. I felt an eruption of butterflies in my stomach. The atmosphere around the both of us was calming.  I didn't feel any stress or anything. Not like I usually did.

She sets down the make up and brush then walks over to the other table to get some things. Then they all burst into the dressing room, ruining the peace and quiet and my interaction with.. What's her name.

I look towards the door and Jimin wore a confused expression.

"Who were you talking to Hyung?"
"Yeah, we heard you talking."

I furrow my brows and point to my back.

"Are you blind? I was talking to the make up artist."

They all share confused glances and snicker at me. Except Taehyung. He stayed silent.

"You're insane.."
"Yeah man. You loco." Namjoon made circles beside his temple. I growl.

"No I'm not. She'sㅡ" I turn around and see no one. My mouth drops. I was shocked.
"She was right her just a second ago." I look around. I let out a small laugh.

"She's probably hiding!" I check under neath the make up table, the small closet and then the small storage. She wasn't hiding.

I widened my eyes a bit and gave them a scared look.

"Guys, I think this dressing room is haunted."

"Either that, you're losing your mind Hyung." Jungkook spoke as he took a long sip of his water. All the guys share a laugh before calming down. Taehyung just stayed silent, again.

"You're probably just tired. You should take a small nap." Jimin pointed at the small sofa that was placed in the corner. I scratch my head in confusion and shrug it off.

They're probably right. But I swear she was just here a second ago. And she even applied my make up!

I plop down on the sofa and close my eyes. Within seconds, I conk out.

Jimin looks at me with worry written in his face. "What if he's losing his mind? He doesn't seem to sleep much. And you begin to go a little crazy if you don't sleep enough."

Namjoon fans himself to cool down. Jin scoffs.

"Or he's telling the truth." Taehyung spoke. All eyes were on him. Jimin switched to his left and folded his arms. Giving Taehyung that 'you serious' look.

"How so?" Hoseok spoke.

Taehyung wiped his mouth with his palm and sat down.

"Just as Jimin opened the door, I saw the girl walk right through that wall," he points to the wall behind me. He was serious.

They all got silent and a little creeped out. Taehyung wasn't afraid or bothered at all.

Then a knock on the door, scared all the guys, except for me and Taehyung, good. They clutched their heart as the manager entered.

"You guys ready? The second performance is in," he checks his watch, "in 7 minutes."

They nod their head and Jungkoook wakes me up.
"We're on in 7 minutes. Let's go."

I rub my eyes, stretch for a second and get up. They all lined out of the dressing room, leaving me the last to leave. Before I did. I see the girl in the corner of my eye.

"Good luck." She spoke and I nod my head at her. I should be afraid, but I didn't. She gave off that friendly feeling. And she didn't mind that I was able to see her. Or Taehyung, but I didn't know he was able to see her too as I was asleep.

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