Play With Me : Jung Hoseok

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*Quick Info*
I had my baby sister become a model for me for a bit. Here's her picture, my editing skills suck. But here's your long awaited update!

10 PM

"Come play with me."

I hear a soft voice that belonged to an 8 year old child, while I was listening to Save Me and reading a book on my bed. I ignored the soft voice that called me and continued reading Damian. The only light I had was my nightlight and I had to bend over a certain angle to see the words I was reading.


I heave out an irritated sigh and slam my book down. I rip off my headphones and curse out loud.

"Dammit Tae! What is it?!"

I crawl off my bed and stomp over to my door and flip on the lights. I walk down the hallway and knock on Taehyung's door. After a couple minutes I open and there was no one in the room of his. I sigh again before checking all the other rooms.

I checked Seokjin and Yoongi's room, Namjoon room, then finally Jimin and Jungkook. They were all empty.

"Where could they be? They must be playing a joke on me." I smiled and walked into the living room then head into the kitchen to have a little snack. "Where ever they are hiding, I'm not going to look."

I say rather loudly, so they could hear me wherever they were. I make myself a PB&J sandwich with some juice to wash it down. I head upstairs to my bedroom so that I can continue reading the intriguing book. As I walk passed JiKook's bedroom, I hear a small giggle come from the dark.

"Jungkook? Is that you?"

I ask suspiciously. I slowly enter the dark room with my PB&J sandwich and my drink. The giggle is once again heard but this time, behind me. I turn around and jump a little from fright. I drop my glass of orange juice and crush my PB&J in my other hand, like it was a plush toy. To my horror, there was a little person crouched behind me. The little hair, spiked around and it was too dark to configure its features. The child still giggles, but it became more sinister than cheerful. My heart began to beat faster and my mind was exploding with thoughts.

"H-How did you get in? What's your name?"

I attempt to take my phone out to use as a flashlight, but then the little child stands up suddenly and I freak out a little.


The voice creeped out of the mouth of the unknown child. It sent chills down my spine and the dark setting didn't even make it better.

"P-play? What do you mean by play?"

Then it hit me. This must be the joke the others are playing on me. Any minute now, they will bust from their hiding spot and laugh at me while I cower in embarrassment and anger. I begin to laugh and tell the kid that they're a born actor.

"Wow! I was nearly fooled! You're a great actor kid. How much did they pay you?"

My laughter dies down when I noticed the child didn't move a single muscle and stayed silent the whole time. My smile fades and I gulp. Are you serious? I scoot back, careful to not step on the shards of glass.

"Play.... with...."

The child speaks and slowly walks towards me in a creepy way. The darkness looked like it was hugging the child and allowing it to become more dead and scary. I trip and land on my butt, back resting against Jimin's bed. I took this moment to take out my phone and use it as a flashlight. I frantically slide up the screen so that flashlight icon can show and I tap on it with one finger. I slowly raise the light, starting from the child's dirty feet, then slowly raising the light up the torn denim pants, the bloodied long sleeved gray shirt with a white canvas and black sequins and a big butterfly on it. I hold my breath and notice that the child had blood on their hands, dripping.

I widen my eyes and gulp once more. I slowly raise the flashlight even higher and I gasp and widen my eyes in horror as the light brought out the features of this kid. She wore a wry grin with blood dripping from her mouth, her eyes blacked out and oozing a little bit blood on her left. Her face was pale and had dark light circles under her eyes. She was horrifyingly scary.

"Play with me."

Her voice becomes distort and stomach churning terrifying. I drop my phone and let out a feral scream. I get up off the floor in a hurry, not caring if I cut my feet. I run out of the dorms and as I run towards the elevator, they begin to slide open.


Jungkook asks as he was the first person to see me. My face was pale, and I was shaking uncontrollably as I run down the hall and reach them. My chest was aching and my feet were burning.

"Yah. You're bleeding."

"What's wrong? Your face is as white as sheets."

"Are you okay Hoseok? Tell us what's wrong."

The three of my members ask me as the Maknae line pick up the grocery bags the others had set down to tend my weakened state. I was huffing and puffing. Trying to calm my scared nerves. Namjoon rips his sleeve of his shirt and uses it to bandage my left foot. Once I was calm enough, I asked them questions first.

"What do you mean? We left you a note on the table saying we were going to go grocery shopping." Seokjin says and the others nod.

"Don't lie to me. One of you had to of hired a child actress!" I point at them, heart still frightened. The image of that child burned into my memory and would haunt me for sure.

"What child actress? Hyung, trust us when we tell you, we didn't hire anybody." Jungkook assures.

"More or less, we didn't play any joke on you." Jimin adds.

"Yeah man. What's gotten you so shook?"

I gulp and take in a deep breath. If they hadn't set it up, then it was real! She was real! I just met a ghost!!

"I bumped into a child in our dorms." They all wear confused looks and share glances with one another. "I thought it was a prank set up by all of you, so I didn't pay much attention to it."  We walk down the hallway and head for our dorm. I was hesitant and afraid that the girl might still be there.

"What did this ghost look like?" Taehyung asks as we stood before the locked dormitory door. I shiver at the crystal clear memory, as it had just happened moments ago.

"Her face was as pale as mine. Her shirt was bloodied and so was her mouth and her left eye. She had blacked out irises and her hair was spiked, thanks to the blood." I pause and become alert when the creak of the door interrupts my storytelling. Namjoon and Seokjin stroll in, not minding my story. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and entered his bedroom, not offering to help with the groceries.

Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung all looked spooked and they shared glances of uncertainty with each other. Taehyung asks if he'd like to bunk with me and I agreed. The idea of sleeping alone after that encounter, terrified me greatly. I hope to never see her again.

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