Accepting Requests

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I haven't done this before, so this is my first time.

I'm a virgin to this.

Omg.. I just made it weird didn't I? Ah dammit-

*face palms myself*

Ahem... Forget I even said that. Back to business.

No no... Let's re do it from the top, shall we? Good.


Hello guys!

I'm so sorry it took me 7 months to update!! I'm an idiot for not even telling you guys about my semi hiatus ;-; I feel so terribubble about it.

Please forgive little old me *pouty lips*

Ok ok.. Lets be serious. Whew is it getting hot in here? I'm burning up. Low-key nervous about this *nervous chuckle*

But.. As it says in the title, I am open for requests. Your ideas are welcome to my PMs or comment section :3

Thank you guys for reading my book and having it reach 2.32K!! Like I'm so psyched about that! Is that how you spell it? The psyc- ah forget it.

I'm so happy. So so happy 💋 💘 thank you guys again! Thanks for the comments on some stories as well :3

Remember my request box is open :3

Take care now lovelies!!

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