Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Saturday came before we knew it. The ball began at seven, but Katy and I started getting ready at lunch time because we knew we’d spend a majority of the time jamming to 1D and singing our heads off. Harry and Niall bugged us the whole time about wanting to see us, but each time they called we told them they had to wait until they picked us up.

My phone rang while I was curling Katy’s hair. I held the curling iron in one hand while I held the phone to my ear with the other.


“Is it time yet?” Harry’s voice responded from the other end.

I rolled my eyes. “Harold, you rang five minutes ago. Will the answer have changed in five minutes? No.”

“But you have taken all day! Does it really take that long to fix your hair and makeup?”

“Those words did not seriously just come out of your mouth.”

“Um, hello?” Katy snapped her fingers at me. “Earth to Belb! Curling iron in hair here! You can talk to your fit British boy later!”

“Oh, crud!” I pulled the curler out of her hair. “Sorry, babe! Forgot about ya for a second there.”

Harry chuckled. “Did you just call me ‘babe’?”

I face-palmed. “Crud, not you! I was talking to Katy. I had the curling iron in her hair and wasn’t paying attention.”

“If that’s what you want me to believe.”

“I’m hanging up now.” I moved the phone away from my ear.

“Wait, no!”

“Bye, Harry!” Katy yelled as I hung up.


A knock came on our front door as Katy and I finished putting on our jewelry. I let her go answer it while I checked my hair in the mirror, making sure each curl was in place.

“You look beautiful,” I heard Niall telling Katy in the other room.

I mentally awed.

“Shelby!” Katy called.

“Coming!” I grabbed my silver clutch off the counter in my bathroom, made sure my heels were adjusted, then walked into the living room.

Katy was standing near the couch with Niall, adjusting the pink corsage he gave her. Niall looked adorable in his black tuxedo and tie, making him almost match Katy. They were so cute together.

Harry was leaning against the bar in the kitchen, playing with something on his phone. He looked very handsome in his tux and black bowtie.

I smiled when he looked up at me. “Hey.”

He smiled right back. “Hey.”

He grabbed my hand and slipped a white orchard corsage on my wrist, lifting my hand to his lips before he let it go.

I blushed and giggled. “Thanks. It’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.”

A gagging noise came from behind us. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Katy and Niall making faces at us. I couldn’t help but notice that Niall had his arm around Katy’s shoulder.

Katy rolled her eyes at Harry and I. “Harry, stop being a flirt so we can go.”

Harry rolled his eyes back at her. “Gee, you don’t let me do anything.”

“That’s my job.”

“She’s like a protective big sister.” I explained.

“Let’s go!” Niall cheered, dragging Katy out of the room.

Harry laced his fingers through mine and pulled me along after our friends.


After an hour at the ball, we were all complaining about the music. It was all songs that you could on waltz to, which none of us knew how to do. We were considering baling out early when I had a brilliant idea.

“Why don’t I plug up my iPod and livin’ up this ball?” I suggested, pulling the device out of my clutch.

Zayn smiled. “DJ Malik, anyone?”

The other four boys grinned mischievously. “Let’s do this.”

Louis and Eleanor went over to distract the band. Lou yelled at the various musicians, claiming they had stolen his carrots and just overall pestering them. Once the music stopped, Niall and Katy rolled a cart with a computer and a speaker on it out onto the center of the stage that was located in the middle of the huge ballroom we were in. After it was in place, they nodded to Danielle and Liam, who then proceeded to plug in a bunch of speakers around the room. When they were done, they gave Harry and I a thumbs up. Our phase of this little mission consisted of shooting Nerf guns in the air to gain everyone’s attention. Zayn then took over the rest.


Everyone stared at him except the other boys and us girls who were cheering.

“Let’s put on some real music,” Zayn suggested, starting a song on my iPod.

I recognized it instantly. It was Up All Night, their very own song. Harry pulled me out onto the dance floor and we started dancing around like crazy maniacs. Katy and I were singing at the top of our lungs, not caring what any of the older guests thought of our behavior. Soon every young person was on the dance floor making fools of themselves.


The last song began to play at exactly midnight. It was a slow song, of course, one of the only ones Zayn had played all night. Harry’s held his hand out to me, I gladly took it and let him lead back to the dance floor. We passed by Niall and Katy, who were very much enjoying this song. Niall had his arms around Katy’s waist and she had her arms around his neck, her head on his shoulder. I wiggled my eyebrows at her as I passed her, making her smile and stick her tongue out at me.

Harry pulled me close as he slid his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled up at him.

“I’ve had the time of my life tonight,” he told me as we swayed to the music.

My smile grew. “This has been the best night of my life. Thank you so much for inviting me.”

He held me closer as I laid my head on his shoulder and we continued to sway in a circle.

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