Chapter 24

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Blame Niall for the awful mash up of mine and Harry's names. It's impossible to put our names together without it sounding like like somebody ate them and threw up a random word. If you have a better combination, let me know!

xx Shel

Chapter 24

Shelby’s P.O.V.

I didn’t talk to anyone when I got home. I just went upstairs to my room and locked myself in there. I didn’t let Katy see it, but it was the hardest thing I have ever done to leave the airport without. Granted, I was ecstatic for her, she deserved to be back with Niall, but she was my best friend and now she was on the other side of the world.

I crawled under my covers and curled into a ball, letting the tears I had been holding back since I got on the plane come. Tomorrow I would have to go back to my normal life and forget everything that had happened, but for the moment I just wanted to let misery overwhelm me.

I already wished I was back in London or at least back with Katy.

Katy’s P.O.V.

The boys welcome me back with open arms-literally. As soon as I walked into Liam’s hotel room holding Niall’s hand, they all rushed to group hug me. Even Harry embraced me, which I knew must have been painful for him.

“She’s back!” Zayn cheered, throwing his hands in the air.

I think that’s the most excited I had ever seen him.

Louis still had his arms around me, refusing to let me go. “Finally! My twin is with me again! I was beginning to think I was going to have to go after you myself since Niall hadn’t stopped being so sensitive.”

Niall busted out laughing. “She called me a ‘gosh darn pregnant woman’ at the airport!”

“Nah-uh!” If Louis didn’t have my arms pinned by his I would’ve whacked Niall’s arm. “I said you were acting like one.”

“Same thing.”





“Children, what have I said about fighting?” Liam reprimanded, giving us a stern look that caused everyone to die laughing.

Niall tried to wrap his arms around me, but Louis growled at him and pulled me away. Niall frowned at me, his adorable eyes saddening.

I tugged on Lou’s arm. “Boobear, I love you and all, but I really want a Horan hug.”

“But, but,” Louis pouted. “I just got you baaaaaackkkk,” he whined.

“So did Niall, mate,” Zayn reminded him, chuckling slightly.

Louis looked between Niall and I as we both gave him puppy-dog looks. He sighed and let me go. “Fine.”

“Yay!” Niall and I cheered, hugging each other.

I heard the door open behind me and looked over my shoulder just in time to see Harry leave. We all stood there for a second, giving each other concerned looks.

“I’ll go,” Louis finally said, going after the younger boy.

Zayn sat down on Liam’s bed, sighing deeply as he did. “He’s torn up about the whole thing with Shel. He’s barely talked since.”

“I can’t believe she did that,” Liam said, sitting next to Zayn.

My protectiveness over my best friend showed itself. “She didn’t do anything that was technically cheating on him.”

Zayn shot me a disbelieving look. “She was kissing another bloke. How can you not call that cheating?”

“He kissed her, she pulled away. Don’t judge her without knowing the full story. Yes, she made the mistake of letting her feelings get the best of her-we both did-but she didn’t kiss Riley.”

Niall rubbed circles on my back with his fingers, sensing how tense I was feeling.

Liam pursed his lips. “We didn’t know that.”

“Don’t believe everything you read on Twitter, babe.” I reminded him, pulling Niall with me as I sat on what I assumed was his bed judging by the container of Pringles laying on the pillow.

“She really does care about him, doesn’t she?” Liam asked.

I scoffed. “I’m pretty sure it’d be safe to say she’s falling in love with the boy.”

“We’re all idiots.” Zayn stated, falling onto his back on the mattress.

Niall laughed. “Speak for yourselves.”

“Harry needs to know about this.” Liam decided, looking at each of us.

Zayn groaned. “It won’t be easy getting him to realize Shelby truly cares about him.”

“It’s our job to make him see that,” Niall added.

“Looks like we gotta make a plan,” I said.

Niall suddenly grinned. “Mission get Harry and Shelby back together; who’s in?” He stuck his hand out in front of him.

I immediately threw my hand on top of his. “I’m totally in.”

Liam covered my hand with his. “Me too.”

Zayn placed his hand on top of the pile. “Like I wouldn’t join in.”

“Halby on three!” Niall yelled.

I raised my eyebrows at him. “Did you seriously just mash their names?”

“Yes, yes I did.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a dork.”

“But I’m your dork.” He gave me his signature grin that made me laugh.

“Yes, yes you are.”

“Guys,” Liam scolded us. “Stop being adorable and let’s get back to the plan.”

Niall winked at me before looking back at the boys. “Halby on three?”

“One,” Zayn said.

“Two,” Liam added.

“Three!” I finished.

Then we all yelled, “HALBY!”

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