Chapter 22

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xx Shel

Chapter 22

The next day was the boys’ concert. We got to the arena early for them to do sound check and make sure everything was well. Before they warmed up, Paul had me go ahead an do the interview I had been planning.

Liam answered all my questions like he would in any other interview. It made me feel a tiny bit better to know he could at least act civil with me. Katy took pictures to document the interview. Zayn went next and was a little less eager, but still was polite and gave me an answer to every question. Niall came next. I saw Katy’s knuckles turn white as she gripped the camera tighter.

“Are you excited for the tour?” I asked Niall, trying to start with easy questions.

He didn’t respond.

“Um… Are you ready to see how the fans respond to all the new songs?”

Still nothing.

I sat there for a minute, unsure what to do now. I was about to ask another query when I saw Niall very quickly wipe a crystal drop from his eyes and realized this was like torture to him.

“Niall,” I said softly. “You can go now.”

He jumped out of his seat and basically ran back to the stage.

Katy was fighting back her own tears. “I don’t think I can handle seeing him like that everyday… It’s killing me.”

“I know, babe. This is the worst punishment they could put us through.”

Louis was next. He didn’t answer every answer, but when he did it was a sarcastic remark that I couldn’t even use. I ran a hand across my face, telling him he was free to leave at any time.

Harry was the last one. He sat down in front of me, meeting my gaze with a cool stare. I could see the pain in his gorgeous green eyes, leaving him looking broken and depressed. My breath immediately hitched and tears wanted to spring to my eyes.

Katy was standing behind Harry, so she could see the look on my face. “You okay?” She mouthed.

I shook my head, but forced my voice out. “Are you ready for the concert tonight?”

He nodded. “Of course.”

I was amazed he actually responded. “What’s your favorite part of being onstage?”

“Just looking out in the audience and seeing all the fans thoroughly loving every moment of the concert… It’s incredible.”

“That’s great. Are you excited to open the tour in Australia?”


I nodded, scribbling down my notes. When I looked up, I noticed Harry’s hands were clenched into fists and he had an intense look in his eyes.

I bit my lip. “Harry, are you okay?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” He snapped. “It’s not like sitting here being interviewed by the girl who broke my heart is killing me or anything.”

I cringed. “It’s not like it’s easy-”

“Do you know how hard it is to see you every day?”

“Harry, I-”

“Whatever,” he said, standing up. “I can’t do this.”

I watched as he walked away, unsure what to do. The rest of the boys grabbed him in a group hug as soon as he got to the stage, sending hateful glares in my direction. My head fell into my hands as tears trailed down my face. Katy sat next to me and put her arm around me, hugging me tight.


After the concert, all the boys came running off the stage. I was standing in the doorway of the hall that led to their dressing room, writing down a few things in my notebook. Someone shoved past me, bumping me hard enough to knock the notepad out of my hands.

I looked up to see Harry walking away.

“Stay out of the way,” he called over his shoulder.

I sighed, knowing I deserved any anger he had toward me. I bent down to collect my belongings, but another brunette boy had already picked them up.

Liam handed the notebook and pencil back to me, giving me a small smile.

“Thank you,” I said, truly astounded that he was still somewhat his usual self with me. Of course it would be Liam that couldn’t stand to see any of us hurting.

He nodded and patted my shoulder, following the younger boy to the dressing room.

Katy walked up beside me. “That’s why I love Liam.” She said, referring to how kind he just was.

“Me too. I’m glad at least one of them doesn’t completely hate us.”

“Liam’s not capable of hating anybody. He probably just wants to fix everything and have things back to normal.”

I nodded, knowing that’s exactly what Liam wanted.

“Girls, we need to talk,” Paul said as he appeared out of nowhere. He grabbed both of our elbows and towed us down the hallway.

Katy and I caught each others’ eye, each with a look of panic on our faces.

There was no way this would end well.

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