📹Intervista CNN Filippine📸

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You said that you basically grew up in the internet, which means most of your life just exists out there

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You said that you basically grew up in the internet, which means most of your life just exists out there. Have you ever watched your old videos? How do you feel that you can just access any part of your life online?

I haven’t done it yet. Because I’m not brave enough, I don’t think. [Laughs] I haven’t rewatched any of my old videos or anything in so long. So yeah, maybe I’ll be able to answer that in a couple of years but right now it’s too close for comfort that it’s still too … cringe-y. I’ll watch my old videos when I’m a bit older.

Did you imagine what life would be like if you’re a pop star? How does it compare to what was in your head to actually living it now?

I definitely imagined it. But whether or not it would actually come true is a completely different thing. I always understood that the chances of what I wanted to happen, the chances of them actually happening, [were] so so slim … that I kind of had to keep myself in check a little bit but the thing is that the main reason why I just kept going was because I loved it so much.

I didn’t really think about it too much, like “Oh, this is probably not gonna work out so I should stop” or whatever. I just loved it so I kept going and then, it was almost like I turned around and then one day, it was all happening. It was my job all of a sudden, and it was not something that I was doing for fun, it was something that people were interested in. I’m so lucky that’s happened.

 I’m so lucky that’s happened

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