Traduzioni e testi delle canzoni del cantante Troye Sivan e news sul suo attuale percorso musicale.
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(Le traduzioni sono opera mia, qu...
COUP DE MAIN: Whenwetalkedtoyou last year, the 'Wild' EP hadgoneto #1 on iTunes in New Zealandliterallythe day wespoke. Nowyou'rehereplayingsold-out shows. It'sliterallywild. Howhavethe non-Queenstownpartsof NZ beentreatingyouthus far? TROYESIVAN: So, so, so, well. I was saying before, we've been to so many really, really amazing places over the last year, and I think Sweden, Japan, and New Zealand have to be the ones for me. I really, really love it here. It feels like home. It feels super familiar, but it's just like really pretty and everyone is really, really cool.
CDM: In 'Ease', yousay, "Take me back tothebasicsandthesimplelife." Foryou, what'sthesimplelife? When/where are youhappiest? TROYE: They're different I think. The simple life isn't necessarily when I'm happiest, do you know what I mean? But when I think of simple, simple moments, it's probably lying on my bed in Perth. In the afternoon, the sun comes into my room, and that's probably it.
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[Satin Look PipingShirt in NavybyGlassons.]
CDM: In 'TheQuiet', yousing, "I'd ratherhavebrokenbones / Thanfeelmyselfturnto stone." Do youthinkit'sbettertohavelovedandlost, thantoneverhaveloved at all? TROYE: 100% better to have loved and lost.