📹Troye Coup de Main intervista📹

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COUP DE MAIN: When we talked to you last year, the 'Wild' EP had gone to #1 on iTunes in New Zealand literally the day we spoke. Now you're here playing sold-out shows. It's literally wild. How have the non-Queenstown parts of NZ been treating you thus far?
TROYE SIVAN: So, so, so, well. I was saying before, we've been to so many really, really amazing places over the last year, and I think Sweden, Japan, and New Zealand have to be the ones for me. I really, really love it here. It feels like home. It feels super familiar, but it's just like really pretty and everyone is really, really cool.

CDM: In 'Ease', you say, "Take me back to the basics and the simple life." For you, what's the simple life? When/where are you happiest?
TROYE: They're different I think. The simple life isn't necessarily when I'm happiest, do you know what I mean? But when I think of simple, simple moments, it's probably lying on my bed in Perth. In the afternoon, the sun comes into my room, and that's probably it.


[Satin Look Piping Shirt in Navy by Glassons

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[Satin Look Piping Shirt in Navy by Glassons.]

CDM: In 'The Quiet', you sing, "I'd rather have broken bones / Than feel myself turn to stone." Do you think it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all?
TROYE: 100% better to have loved and lost.

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