Tatsuya Shishigo x Yusuke

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Hey guys! This was a request from someone on the Persona 5 amino and I said that I would happily do this for them and I do hope that you all enjoy this and I will see you all very soon! 

Originally Published: October 7, 2017

It was another day at Kosei Academy, Yusuke talking about his latest project with his friend, Tatsuya Shishigo. Yusuke was completely unaware of the crush that Tatsuya held for the beautiful artist. His life had been hell recently from the torture his mother was going through because of her past.

It took a lot of courage but Tatsuya was going to give Yusuke a love letter he hand wrote for him. He made sure to put all of his heart and soul into the love letter.

"-is truly an exquisite piece don't you think?" The artist asked his friend. Tatsuya was totally unaware of what was going on but he nodded his head yes to make it appear that he was listening to what he was saying.

"I think it's a lovely piece, Yusuke-kun." Tatsuya said softly in a caring manner. He just didn't want his friend to be mad at him for not listening to what he said. As they walked up the stairs to school, they went their separate ways to their respective classes. Tatsuya felt in his pocket the folded love letter and pulled it out as he took a seat at his desk and read it over to make sure it wasn't cheesy or anything like that.

Yusuke, I want to tell you that you complete my life. Your touch has an amazing effect on me. When you look at me I feel lost in your eyes and a swarm of butterflies erupt in my stomach. Baby! Your presence gives me all the happiness in life. When you are around me, I feel so full of life. When you are around me, I feel some kind of passion and connection with you. So will you be mine, because I truly love you.

Tatsuya sighed and folded the letter back up and stuffed it in his pocket. He could only hope that Yusuke would be willing to love a boy like him. Being born from a prostitute mother and her having several people after her for reasons he doesn't know much about, but it never hurt to try.

As the day went on, Tatsuya anxiously waited for lunch time to come so he could place this love letter in his locker. When the bell rang he practically ran up from his chair and went down the stairs taking them two at a time. When he reached where Yusuke's locker was he pulled the letter out of his pocket and held it in his sweaty hand extremely nervous to put it in his locker but just as he was about to shove the letter into his locker it was snatched from his hand by none other than Ayano Otori.

"What's this? Some silly little letter?" She said as she opened it and read it. She started to laugh and that angered Tatsuya so much that he attempted to grab her from her but she pulled it away.

"Try something stupid like that and I'll read it publically." She said with an evil smirk on her face. Tatsuya fell to his knees and sighed sadly, knowing that she would do something like that.

"Fine I won't try it again." He said as he stood back up and she walked away with his confession letter. He went to his classes for the rest of the day and decided to just head home and maybe he could just sulk in his room.

As the days went on he was hearing rumors that he was committing prostitution just like his mother. He wanted to go crawl into a hole and die. That day after school he was was working a part time job and after his shift he left and heard some yelling and he turned to find his mother in the alleyway beaten and bleeding heavily.

"MOM!?" He cried out as he ran over to her. He pulled out his phone dialing the emergency number and held her close.

"No, no, no, please don't die mom.. You're all I have.." He said softly with tears streaming down his face. Tatsuya went home and decided to ask the Phantom Thieves for help. He couldn't do anything about Ayano Otori or Kama Otori but he knew they could.

He booted up his computer as soon as he got home and left a post on the Phantom Thieves forum. He sighed and decided to take a shower and change before heading up the the hospital to visit his mother.

It felt like weeks, maybe even years before he finally felt like something good was going to change. Yusuke had been there with him and stayed for comfort so he didn't help much when it came to investigating the pair that Tatsuya posted about but he was there for him while his mother was still healing in the hospital.

"Hey, I want you to come with me. I want to show you something." Yusuke said dragging Tatsuya out of his thoughts. He nodded and stood up to follow the beautiful artist.

"What was it that you wanted to show me?" He asked confused while Yusuke pulled out his phone and started pressing some things on there. Soon the world changed from a blue sky to dark red sky.

"Where are we? What happened to your clothes?" He asked confused as he looked at the artist. Yusuke didn't say anything but started to run and Tatsuya followed him.

Tatsuya followed him and soon they came across a group of people in weird clothes and masks. He soon realized that this was the Phantom Thieves. Were they really going to change them and fix them to apologize to his mother and himself?  He just followed them as they went into the palace and then they came across Ayano.

She looked directly at Tatsuya and smirked as her mother appeared next to her.

"I thought I told you to not try anything stupid like that again. Well now here's your punishment." She said pulling out the letter and reading it aloud. Tatsuya collapsed in fear, agony, sadness, and most of all anger. Yusuke smiled under his mask at the words from his best friend but now he needed to help them defeat the Otori's.

Pain clouded into Tatsuya's head and he heard a voice.

I was wondering when it was time to come out.

You are a fallen prince, stipped of his happy and peaceful life.

But you can take it all back, and steal back your crown!

Tell me, would you like that?

Then let's forge a contract, shall we?

I am thou, thou art I!

Now rise from the stress, and straight to the throne!

"COME TO ME! ALADDIN!" Tatsuya yelled out as a mask appeared and he ripped it off as the battle commenced. He dealt the most damage to Ayano and Kama as the fight went on.

After the battle Tatsuya panted and fell to his knees and Yusuke walked over to him. The others had gone to get the treasure and give them some alone time.

"Y-You're not mad at me..?" Tatsuya asked shyly. Yusuke shook his head and got down next to him, lifting his face to look at him.

"I'm glad we share the same feelings for each other." Yusuke said placing a kiss on the smaller boy's lips. It shocked him to no tomorrow but he snapped out of it and kissed him back.

"I love you artist boy." Tatsuya said panting lightly as he pulled away from the kiss. Yusuke was also panting lightly.

"I love you too my prince boy." He said lovingly. The day couldn't get any better for Tatsuya. His best friend and love of his life loves him back and his mother is now free from the cruel clutches of Kama Otori.

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