Keisuke x Yusuke

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Hey guys. A friend of mine from Amino is letting me use their OC, Keisuke! I'm happy that they gave me permission to write a fanfic for them! I'm gonna make this the best thing possible that they can read! Enjoy!

Originally Published: October 30, 2017

Yusuke was a brilliant artist and loved to paint anything with light and beauty. He had his eyes on a certain boy though. Keisuke Yatogi was his name. He was an absolutely beautiful and a lovely photographer. His pictures always capture a story and he would love to work with him one day. They shared a few classes together every now and then, but Yusuke has hardly spoken to the mysterious angel.

Today that was going to change though. He wanted to speak with the boy and finally get to know him and become friends with him.

"Ah are you Keisuke?" Yusuke asked walking up to the boy during lunch that day. Keisuke looked very startled from him just coming out of nowhere.

"Yes I am, Kitagawa-san." He said in his polite manner as usual. Yusuke chuckled and sat down next to him.

"You don't have to be so formal with me. But I did have a question for you. I was wondering if we could work on an art project together?" He asked and looked at him almost pleadingly. Keisuke was curious as to what he wanted from him but agreed to the project nonetheless. He wondered why the Yusuke Kitagawa wanted to work with a low life like him. Besides he was nothing but perfect the photographer's eyes.

After school that same day Yusuke was waiting for Keisuke outside of the school gates. When he spotted him he waved the shy boy over.

"I have the perfect spot in mind." Yusuke said with a motion for him to follow him. They got on the train and went to the park. Yusuke started to walk down the many paths until they got to a meadow covered in flowers with the faintest bit of light and dust particles floating around.

"Oh my goodness this place is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for bringing me here Yusuke-kun." Keisuke said softly taking in the view and pulling out his camera to take several pictures of the beautiful scene.

"I'm glad you like it so much. But I do have to say I'm happy you decided to work with me on this project Keisuke-kun." He said softly with nothing but love in his eyes and a sweet, delicate smile on his face.

Keisuke turned to him and lost himself in those gorgeous blue, orbs of his. He started daydreaming about Yusuke holding him close, while whispering sweet nothings in his ear, as they ate a small picnic in this very meadow.

The two boys sat there till almost eight in the evening and decided to call it a night. Yusuke and Keisuke had traded contact information and decided to go their separate ways for the day. They had grown quite close in the few hours that they spent together and Yusuke had a small grip that his mother was abusive and decided to search into it further before talking to the group about it.

As the days passed by Yusuke and Keisuke had spent large amounts of time together and Yusuke learned more about his mother and how she acted around him. He felt sorry for him and decided to bring it up to the group and put an end to this malicious behavior his mother showed him.

"I'll do something one day and help you escape from her, Keisuke." Yusuke whispered getting close to his face almost kissing the boy. Keisuke's face flushed and he stuttered before hugging the slightly taller boy.
"Thank you so much Yusuke. It means the world to me, but I don't think that you can help me in this situation." Keisuke muttered softly, but little did he know the Yusuke was a Phantom Thief and he was going to change his mother's heart and change her for the better.

As the boy's departed for the evening Yusuke started texting the group as he had a small smirk on his face. He was going to get this done even if he had to do this alone. It took some convincing but Akira was able to help him convince the others to help him and forget their palace mission for a day or two.

It was a few things to get Keisuke to slip up the name of his mother. He was trying to be as discreet as possible with asking him about it.

After he got her name they headed to mementos and faced his mother. She was pure evil in his eyes, only because he knew what it was like to be abused by an adult. Let alone a sick and twisted adult like her.

They defeated her easy as cake and Yusuke smiled in victory and left with the others. He went back to the dorms with a pleased smile on his face. As he went to sleep he managed to think about Keisuke and how he wished to hold him in his arms and protect him for the rest of time.

The next day after school, Keisuke walked up to Yusuke like normal and they started heading to his dorm.

"My mom changed. She broke down crying and apologizing to me last night for everything that she's done to me." He said softly and looked up at Yusuke.

"I want to know, what did you do that made her change so fast?" He asked him quietly afraid of what he was going to say.

"I didn't do much. I just changed her heart because, Keisuke, I am a Phantom Thief." He said and waited for him to tell him to leave and never come back because he's criminal scum or something like that.

"You're a what?" He asked in complete shock from hearing what Yusuke just said. Yusuke nodded in an embarrassed way.

"You saved me and you saved all those other people." Keisuke said softly.

"Well it wasn't just me, there's a team of us." He said and looked Keisuke in the eyes with a tenderness that wasn't seen before in the time Keisuke had spoken to Yusuke.

"I do have something to confess though Yusuke." He said softly and looked at him. Yusuke motioned for him to continue and speak his mind.

"I have loved you since I have seen you at Kosei. I did not know if it was love or some other feeling that I had come to me but I knew in my heart and soul that I was inevitably love with you and I don't think even now that has changed, Yusuke Kitagawa." Keisuke said and closed the gap of space between the two of them before smashing his lips onto Yusuke's soft, plump, and tender lips.

Yusuke was shocked from the sudden kiss but soon wrapped his arms around his slender waist and pulled him close as he melted into the sweetness of the kiss. He enjoyed the kiss so much and pulled away when air was needed and panted lightly.

"I'm so glad you feel the same way I do. I just couldn't ever bring myself to talk to you." Yusuke said as a light blush coated his cheeks and he smiled lightly. Keisuke hugged him close and buried his face into his chest slightly.

"Can I stay the night with you?" Keisuke asked as a dark blush coated his cheek along with the light panting from the kiss.

"Of course you can. I would love for you to stay with me." He said softly as he laid back on his bed and opened his arms for him to lay in. Keisuke smiled and laid down and wrapped his arms around his waist and laid his head on his chest. Yusuke smiled and wrapped his arms around him and placed a kiss on his head.

"I love you so much, Keisuke Yatogi. You mean so much to me and I couldn't bare to lose you." He said softly pulling him closer as they both drifted off to sleep with smiles on their faces.

"I love you so much that it's hard for me to put it into words." Keisuke said with a yawn and fell asleep keeping his head on Yusuke's chest for the night.

Life couldn't get any better for the both of them, than this moment in time right now.

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