A Siblings Love and Worry

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Bruce sat there frozen as he looked at the letter and picture that he held firmly in his hands. He then looked up at his children whom have not noticed his worried look yet. There precious laughs and giggles filling the open cool air as they sat eating their breakfast as they talked amongest themselves. Bright smiles plastered on their faces making him worry more for his children's safety. He didnt want to lose his tresures that God has gifted him. He cleared his throat to get there attention. The kids looked up at there father curiously stopping their conversations.
"Dick may I speak to you privately? The rest of you go back to eating your breakfast." Bruce said before standing up followed by Dick.

Once they were outside in the hallway away from the rest of the kids, Bruce pulled out the picture and letter and handed them to Dick. Dick took them curiously and read the letter before looking at the picture. A worried look crept onto his face as he reread the letter before looking at Bruce with a panicked look.
"This arrived in the mail today." Bruce whispered looking at his first son with worry tone in his voice. Dick looked angry and scared at the same time. Angry for someone targeting him and his siblings and scared because it was his life along with his younger siblings life on the line.

"What are we going to do?" He whispered back not wanting his siblings to over hear his conversation.
"I am going to take you to the Watch Tower. That way I know you will be safe. I can't stand to lose any of you." Bruce said placing his strong hands on his shoulders. Smiling a reassuring smile as he tried to calm his eldest son down a little bit.

" I am going to tell your siblings now. So be prepared when they freak out some." he added before walking into the dinning room and sitting down along with Dick. He sighed a heavy sigh before softly but angrily throwing the papers down for his younger siblings to see. He didnt have the heart to just tell them He wanted them to see fir their selfs that they were in trouble and that it wasn't a joke that him and Dick were pulling on them. They looked at the papers curiously before looking at there father in concern and worry. He looked at them all. They all had the same face of worry and concern except for his only daughter whom had a look of pure terror on her face.

"Dose this mean we are being targeted?" asked Tim with a concerned tone. Bruce nodded before looking at his children with a sencere look.
"Go and pack your bags were going to the Watch tower were you will be safe from this man who is trying to hurt this family"

Damian sat on Dick's bed covered in a bulletproof blanket that his father and older brother wanted him to wear incase something happened and they couldn't find cover fast enough. It also helped that he was cold to begin with. He looked up at Dick was was packing his things frantically. Dick glanced at Damian who had the blanket wrapped around his head and body. Duck smiled a heart filled dsmile to try and show his younger brother some concern. Heck he was 9 and had a lot to live for and being targeted was not something he wanted any of his siblings to go through. Damian might be hiding it but he knew he was scared of any of his siblings to be killed.  Dick sighed as he looked at the three bags in front of him.

One of them was his the other two was Margret's and Damian's. He was in charge of all the things that the two youngest and himself would need including shirts, Pants, underclothing, bathroom products, and things to help them out if they were attacked. Heck he even included books, Sketch pad and art tools for Damian, I pads with games on them, and even a pack of cards. So they will be entertained were they were at the watch tower for the next couple of days. Dick smiled as he looked behind him breafly to see Margret hiding under her Bulletproof blanket playing with her Doll she got from Bruce last Christmas. He then started to think of each of his youngest siblings who have started to be kids for once in there messed up life they have had.

Margret's long blonde hair was pulled back into a braid that Jason did earlier for her. Her evergreen forest eyes were filled with joy as she played. Her blanket was red as it was wrapped around her as she laid on her stomach being content with the doll that she was given. She had started to be a girly girl a couple of months ago when she figured out it was okay for her to ask for things and be the person she wanted to be and not someone wanted her to be. So when she started school she started to hang out around girls and noticed the way they acted and started to become a girly girl. Yeah some days she be a tom boy and play around with her brothers but she became a girly girl and made her brothers happy.

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