The Adventurouse Tea Party

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Margret was sitting in Dick's lap wanting to cry her eyes out. She took hours to create those invitations to her tea party that was this afternoon. Dick noticed that Margret was on the verge of tears and all ready knew why she was. She took hours a pon hours of work to create the tea party that was this afternoon. She was looking forward to it. She even went the extra mile to help Alfred out with the tea and Sandwiches.  She also just found out that she was being targeted by some random guy who wants to get back at Bruce who she had started thinking was her dad. Jason sighed before going to his bag and pulling out a small white box and walked back over to Margret and handed her the box. Margret looked at him weirdly before taking the box and opening it. She gasped when she found out it was her tea set with some bags of her favorite tea and in a small container was her and Alfred's sandwiches they made. She smiled before placing the box on the floor and leaping into Jason's arms and hugging him.
"Is it okay if we do the Tea Party now?" the boys looked at each other and smiled before nodding and stood up. Dick grabbed the box and started to walk towards Bruce's room when he was on the watchtower.
When they got there they saw the room was completely Black with dark grey trimming. The bat symbol was plastered on the wall above the bed. The bed was centered in the middle with black sheets and blankets but had grey pillows. The dresser was placed opposite of the bed with the closet next to it. On the nightstand next to the bed was a lamp and a picture of all 5 of the kids enjoying themselves at a picnic. Dick smiled before sitting on the carpet floor and preparing the Tea and Sandwiches. The boys sat in a circle and Jason pulled out a small table from under the bed and put it up for them to sit at. They gathered around and Margret dished out the tea and food. They soon forgot there worries and enjoyed the tea and snacks.

Superman was getting worried he hasn't seen the lids in a few and was searching around the tower for them. Then it dawned on him. Bruce's room. Of course, were else would they be at. He flew to The Bats room and opened the door to see the boys sitting around the table along with margret playing Tea Party.
"Care to join us Mr. Superman?" Margret asked all fancy like. A smile appeared on his face and he sighed before sitting down at the small rounded table and smiled. Margret handed him a cup and saucer. Along with a sandwich.
"One or two sugars?" she asked holding up some sugar.
"Umm. Just one please." He said holding up the cup to her. He went to drink it after the sugar was added but Margret stopped him.
"Pinkie out Mr. Superman" she said before drinking hers. He placed his pinkie out and dranked his tea. 
Bruce kept his promise on returning that night. He slowly walked through the Zeta Beams expecting his children to be right there tackling him into a dog pile as they hugged him. But what he got was no one. He frowned when he heard nothing meaning it was silent. Which in his case when that happens somethings wrong. He walked through the hallways to see if anyone was there but everyone seemed to either Retire to bed or went on a mission. He walked into the monitor room to find Martian Manhunter sitting at the monitor watching over the earth. Making sure they are safe. Bruce walked into the room.
"John, Were is my kids by any chance?" he said asking in hus Batman tone. John spined around in the chair to see Bruce dressed in his Batman suit with the crowl off reviling his face.
"Oh...They are in your room I believe." he said before turning back to the computer and typing in some words into the computer. Bruce thanked him and walked towards his room.

As he neared it there wasn't any talking coming from the room. Which in his weird life was unusual for that to happen. He quickened his pace and opened the door to be meeted by a site that melted his cold heart. All his kids were pilled up onto the king sized bed. Dick was in the middle with Margret laying on his chest listening to his heart beat. His left arm was wrapped around her as his other arm was wrapped around Damian who seemed to be burying himself into dick side. His arms were wrapped around himself as he snore softly in a ball next to Dick. On the other side was Jason who had his back against Dick's arm. His arms were wrapped around Tim who was cuddling up next to his chest. He loved the site and took the black duvet and covered his sleeping children with it. He stepped back as he watched over them.

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