Why Am I Doing This?

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Gotham was a powerful city in the finest. A city that many  lived in. A city that held many opportunities for anyone to come take hold of. A place were many can come to help better the world for future generations. A city of beauty.  Next to Metropolis it was the next new thing. Unless you count the crime that happened hourly then it was a horrible place to live in. Despite having Batman to help clean up the crime, it just kept coming no matter what. Crime was committed as soon as seconds between each other. Joker was a major one with his girlfriend Harley.  It was a wonder why anyone still lived in Gotham. 

Superman, a kriptonian, was flying as fast as he could without being spotted by the Bat or anyone that was patrolling the city in the time of crises.  He needed to get the gems that Cadmus wanted and fast before they got impatient and took it out on the kids trapped in the small dirty room they were currently in. He hated that they were in there while he was out here in the real world partial free, stealing for Pete's sake. Something he was completely against. He fought people who were stealing and yet here he was about to steal some gems for the people holding  his niece and nephews. Along with his son that he just barely started to take interest in. He sighed remembering what was going on and slowly came to a stop above Wayne Tower. He sighed before slowly going through the bulletproof window that surprisingly was left unlocked. He entered a office that had a big black wooden desk that was close to the window he came threw. 

The desk was neatly cleaned. Paperwork in stacked neatly and stapled or paper clipped safely in the boxes they belonged in.  Pens and markers neatly in separate holders ready to be at use for when the owner came into the office. Picture frames were set neatly on the desk facing were the chair was, but he was unable to tell what the pictures were of. He sighed before rolling the chair out before sitting into it. Searching for the power button on the tower of the computer that set under the desk stored away in a little cubby hole out of the view of anyone on the other side of the desk.  After successfully turning it on and entering a password that was weirdly located on the wall  of the cubby hole were no one would think to look. After the desktop pulled up he quietly gasped realizing who's office he was in. 

It was Bruce's office, the one who was Batman. The man he was currently wishing was with him at this time to help him figure out how to get the children back safely. The picture that was set as his desktop photo  was of his wonderful children. Dick standing in the middle of the lot, and the oldest. He was wearing a limited addition vintage Flying Grayson's  T- Shirt that was very hard to find now a day. It was faded slightly of all the years he had wore it . It was one of the few things he had from his childhood before being adopted by Bruce. The man he thought of a father now. His jet black hair was smoothed back with a few strands falling into his face just brushing against his eyebrows. He was smiling making his baby blue eyes squint slightly. He was holding his little sister in one arm with a peace sign thrown up to give off a care free look. 

Margret who was happy as can be in Dick's arms was wearing a bright red button shirt that was unbutton to show off the black t-shirt under it. Throwing a hipster type look on to her. You could see her wearing black shorts before being cut off by the edge of the picture. He has noticed that most pictures he gets from Diana showed that she was a bit of girly girl but still consisted to her tomboy side on days. One day he would get on with her in a pretty blue or green dress then the next she be in shorts and boy's shirt, because lets be real men's clothing were the best out there. They actually get pockets, he had learned from personal experience of having to hold Lois's things when they were at events that didn't allow bags in the area. He then noticed that her hair was french braided back. He knew instantly who had done it. There was only one brother that would be willing to braid her hair, Jason. 

He glanced to the right and noticed Damian. The youngest son of them all. He was wearing a maroon short sleeved t-shirt that showed off the small muscles he had. His hands were crossed his chest as he smirked into the camera. His raven black hair was spiked back making it unable to get into his eyes. Making it easy for him to fight when he needed to. When he learned form others about Damian he was shocked mainly because he didn't think Bruce would get it on with an assassin let alone Thalia.  Damian's mother. He would of never thought. He smiled knowing how well he has came from when he came to his father with his mother that night that Bruce found out about him. He was starting to actually get along with others and figured out what was social alright and what wasn't. He was even starting to open up. 

He then took his eyes off Damian and looked on the other side of the Pictured and saw Jason and Tim. Jason was the farthest away from Dick. His arm was slung over Tim's shoulders while he also held up a peace sign to the camera. He was happy in the picture, truly happy not the fake happy he often had plastered to his face, a rare sight anymore. Who could blame him after what he has been through in life and what was happening to him now. He was wearing his famous worn out light tanned jacket that hid his build he had unzipped to show off the light grey shirt he had that wrapped his chest tightly showing off the muscle he had underneath. His jet black hair was pushing back with his white bangs mixed in. 

Tim was standing next to Jason with a smirk plastered onto his face. He was wearing a silk like red button up shirt with the sleeves  that were rolled up to his elbows. His Jet black hair was slick back with hair gel making it shinny a little. You could tell he just got back from a business meeting. He had started to help Bruce run the company. Making it easier on Bruce a bit for when he was recovering from injuries that he had optain as Batman.  Tim was an excellent man if Clark had to say. From the things he has heard from the league he was a proud Uncle to him and his siblings. Its not any day you can live with Bruce and not get irritated, but to work and live with him would have to be exhausting.

Clark relised the background and knew were on Wayne Manor's grounds it was. It was a beautiful blossiming Japanese Cherry Blossom tree. The briht pink blossoms were already in full bloom. Making the picture pop as if it was actually in Japan. Yet it wasn't, it was on the grounds next to the small cemetery the grounds had. It held some generations of Wayne's. Including Bruce's parents and Jason's old grave. Witch was destroyed after Jason's return that everyone was grateful for.

Clark sighed before going through the computer for the location of the gems and grinned when he found it. He then was about the click the off button before pulling up the notebook installment on the computer and typed a quick message for Bruce to read. He knew he was being watched so he made it look like he had to figure out the password for the information. He smirked knowing he might have pulled a good one on Cadmus.

Bruce, also known as Batman at this moment, sighed as he place his binoculars he was just looking threw down. He had known Superman was going to have to get the gems in the building eventually. So he had let the window unlocked and the password for the computer behind the tower. Revently the password was 'Dg-C-Jt-BT-Td-S-dW-BS-M.W.-D.G.-(91939)'. Each of his precious kids initials and something he was reminded of them by.
Dg-Dick Grayson.
Jt- Jason Todd
BT-Bat Tires
Td-Tim Drake
S- Smart
dW- Damian Wayne
BS- Biological Son
M.W.- Margaret Shadow
D.G.- Daddy's Girl

He smiled loving his password. As with his numbers he used in parentheses on the end of course. He sighed as he saw Superman leave the tower with a box in his arms. He then stood up from his croutch he was in and grappled over to his office. He opened the note Superman had left him. Knowing that it really was ment for him.

Dear Bruce,
I'm truely sorry for what you are having to go through. I had to steal some gems that Cadmus wanted me to steal or the kids would have been hurt. They are trying to build a machine that can travel through time and space itself. Its hard to really explain what they are doing but all I know is you have to stop it. I dont know the location of wear we are at due to being drugged before droved to a seprete location were I flew here and have to fly back to.

Last time I checked the kids were still fine. They were all okay expect for some scratches and were marks on the back of Tim and Damian's chest. Apon further investigation we also found the weird red marks on Margrets legs. They didn't full appear until a little while after she woke up.

They dont just have your kids too. They have Connor as well. Please what ever you can, find them. I wish for them to not have to go through this. This is something I wish for no child to go through. Lucky for us they are all in the same room that I know of. Please find them and rescue them before rescuing me.


Bruce sighed before saving the file to his server connected to the watch tower and turning the computer off not wanting to waste power. He then clenched his hands before leaping out the window going for the nearest Zeta Tumb. Booming to the watch tower.

Sorry for the long wait. I had writers block on this story. Please tell me what you thought. Along with Thank You for your support and patience with this story. Thank you again. I really appreciate you waiting.

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