The Watch Tower's Visitors

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The arrived down in the Batcave were Alfred was at with their luggage. Bruce set Margret down on the floor. She then walked over to Dick who easily lifted her up into his eyes. She then slowly fell asleep rested in his arms. Her head rested on his shoulder. Her slow heavy tickling his neck. Dick smiled as he covered her better with the blanket. He smiled as he started rocking Margret back and forth. He then felt something attach onto his leg. He looked down and saw Damian attached to his leg. The black blanket wrapped around his leg as well. He sighed as he unattached and arm from Margret and wraped it around Damians shoulders. He smiled as Damian leaned into the touch.

Bruce soon came in to see his two youngest attached to Dick and Tim attached to Jason whos arms were wrapped snuggly around his shoulders and they stood side by side by the luggage talking to Alfread and saying their goodbyes. Bruce sighed not wanting for his kids to go. He then walked over as he pulled on the crowl. They nodded and joined Bruce at the zeta tube. He grabbed his eldest and youngest children's bags while Jason and Tim grabbed there own. Bruce smiled as the took the step throw the zeta tube up to the watch tower.
Superman was shocked to hear the authorized voice announce Batman and some guest. He flew to the zeta beams to see Batman and 5 children standing there with bags by there feet. He looked at them weirdly. Wonder why Batman, of all people, would bring children to the watch tower.

"Um...Batman who are they?" Superman questioned him. Batman sighed as he looked at the man of steel.

"These are my children Clark. They already know about everything. I need to talk to you this is important." Batman said. Superman nodded as Batman turned to the eldest to speak to him.

"Watch your siblings and stay right here got it?" Bruce said to him. Dick nodded and slid down and lean against the teleporter. The other kids followed his example and sat next to him. Huddling next to each other as the chatted quietly. Bruce grinned and walked into the hallway with Clark. Whom was looking at him weirdly.

"Who are they and why are they here?" Clark demand. Wanting to know why unknown kids were hear with Bruce. Bruce took out the letter from his belt and handed it to Clark. Clark read over it and looked up at Bruce angerly. He never thought someone should go after lids at any age.

"Some one is targeting my kids Clark. I need they to stay up here until the guy who sent this is arrested and brought to justice. Clark if any of them were to be hurt I don't know what I would do with my self. They are my world and they are my children." Bruce said back to him taking the letter and placing it back in his belt for some one at the police station to look at.

"I understand Bruce. Mine telling me there names?" he asked placing his hands on his hips. Bruce nodded and pointed to the oldest looking boy that was in the middle of the pile. He wore a dark blue bagged shirt with black pants and shoes. He had a pearly white smile plastered onto his face. His baby blue eyes were filled with worry and anger. His black hair was smoothed back making him look older than he probably was. You could tell he had a smile on his face to make the younger ones happy. Seeing as they were smiling.

"That is my oldest. Richard Grayson. Everyone calls him Dick. He is 19" Bruce said to him before pointing to a smaller boy who was holding another boy on the right side of Dick. He had a light tanned bikers jacket on. Along with a black t-shirt, dark grey cargo pants, and Black combat boots. His black hair was smoothed back making his white bangs scatter all over his head. His teal green eyes were filled with Anger and hatred. You could tell he was mad about this certain situation and was wanting to punch or kick something.

"That is my second oldest. Jason Todd. He is currently age is 15." Bruce said before Clark nodded crossing his arms across his chest. Bruce then pointed to the little boy in Jason's arms. He wore a yellow button up t-shirt with black bagged pants and shoes. His onyx hair was smoothed off to the side pulling it out of his face. He also had blue eyes but were filled with fear and worry. Since he was worried about his younger siblings. He was still wrapped in his yellow bulletproof blanket finding it warm to be in now reating his head against Jason's chest listening to his heart beat as it slowly lowered him to sleep.

"That is my middle child. Tim Drake. He is currently 12" he then pointed to the small boy that was logged into Dick's left side. His short shinny black hair was smoothed forward with spiked tips making it out of his blue eyes. His black blanket resting aginst the back of his head and dropping across his small frame making him look very young as he buried into his older brother.

"That is my youngest son. Damian Wayne. Before you ask yes he is my biological son. He is currently 9." Bruce said crossing his arms over his chest and bat glaring Clark. Clark placed his hands up and nodded before Bruce sighed and pointed to the small child in the bundle of blanket.

Just before he said anything the zeta beams announced Agent A-B010. An old man stepped out of the zeta beam tubes. He had grey hair smoothed back away from his green eyes. He had on a black suit and shinny black shoes. In his white gloved hand was a purple bag with items jiggling in it when ever he walked. Everyone knew him as Alfred Pennyworth. He smiled before walking over to the children. He lifted the bag up and smiled.

"I believed the young Mistress would like this today." he said. A small girl popped out of the red bulletproof blanket and stood up in front of Alfred. She had on a White shirt with the bat symbol on it along with Black shoes and Pants. Her long wavy blonde hair was pulled back into a braid leaving some to frame her face making her Evergreen Forest eyes pop. She smiled before taking the bag and hugging the man's legs. She went back to the other boys and Alfred waved goodbye and zeta beamed back to the cave.

"That is my Daughter Margret. She is currently 7. Clark if my Children are any way hurt I will shove some krytonight were it don't shine. Got it?" Bruce said adding on a bat glare for some effect. Superman nodded before turning back to the young children sitting by the tubes.

Bruce walked back to his kids and sighed when he saw them. He was really going to miss them but he had to figure out who was targeting them and make it to were they are safe. They were his world and if they were being targeted it was going to send him into a frenzy. But know this who ever made the mistake of targeting incident little children who are his they are going to get a beating. He walked up to them and knelt down in front of them. He smiled as his youngest stood up and walked over to him and wrap her slim arms around him. He wrapped her up in the blanket before wrapping his muscular arms around her not wanting to let go. He sat down and placed her in his lap. He looked at the rest of them.

"Okay little ones Superman is going to take care of you. Okay? If you absolutely need anything go to him. He is the one to ask. Got it?" he said in a stern voice to make sure his sons and daughter got the picture. They all nodded and he sighed looking down at his half asleep daughter. He grinned at the sleepy child in his arms. He never wanted to let go of her in fear of something bad would happen to her. He sighed before losing the grin.

"I have to go guys. I am going to make sure you will all come home soon make sure you stick together and that you are okay. Be there for one another and look after each other. I will be back tomorrow to make sure you are okay. So I love you all and be safe" he said before passing Margret back to Dick and kissing each of his children. He then stood up and looked at Superman
"I better not find them harmed. Make sure they are kept safe" he said before zeta tubing away.

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