The New Room

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Jason slowly stood up and started walking back to the dining room with Damian following behind him. Damian was thinking about what Jason said to him earlier. He was thinking how Red Hood and Robin can show up easily  and find out what was happening at that horrible orphanage. Yeah he has a cold heart to those around him but when it comes to little children being harmed by an adult his heart softens for them and anger fills his eyes. Due to the fact if you  harm a little kid you have no honor and shouldn’t be breathing. The little children to him are the next generation whom shouldn’t  be corrupted so society can live in peace with no harm coming to anyone. He continued to think as he walked with Jason to the dining room.

When Bruce arrived at the dining room he didn't expect Margret to be huddled up in the corner of the room crying as her two present brothers were trying to calm her down. Bruce quickly walked over to the group of his children. His heart breaking when he saw Margret.

Her curly blonde hair was still dirty but was pulled back with a bright green ribbon that popped out. Clashing with her hair color. She was still in her black gym shorts and was bare footed still. He could see scars and red marks that obviously was from a knife that wrapped around her legs and feet that he didn't notice earlier. Instead of her worn out hoodie she was wearing before was replaced with a too big blue hoodie that looked like it belong to Dick. The sleeves easily went  past her slim fingers. Making it look like a blanket was wrapped around her.

He knelt down infront of Margret. Tears were running down her face. He placed his hands gently on her shoulders. Making her jump at the sudden touch. She looked at him before throwing herself at the sudden touch. She looked at him before throwing herself at himself. Wrapping her small arms around his neck, burying her face into his neck. He wrap his arms around her bring her tightly in a hug. The boys looked at each other before the entrance door opened. Jason and Damian entered the silent room and looked at them with a concerned look. Dick and Tim walked over to them.

“Let’s go into the hallway. So they can have their moment” Dick said guiding his brothers towards the hallway. Once in the hallway, Damian and Jason immediately wanted to know what was going on with their new sister and father.

“ When you guys left she started crying and apologized for making you leave. So we tried calming her down bit that exactly didn’t work. So when Bruce came in she attached to him” Dick said filling in his brothers wheat was going on with their family.

“Why is she apologizing? She shouldn’t have to apologize after what happened to her” Damian who had his arms folded and was scolding the door behind his older siblings. Dick looked at Jason with a ‘Explain Now!’ kinda look Jason sighed before answering.

“Margret was abused when she was in the orphanage. She was beaten, whipped, starved. She was even forced to live in a Dog cage. She wasn’t allowed outside ever. Hell today was her first day outside of the orphanage for months. She wasn’t allowed out probably because of her allways being covered in bruises. Hell I had to wrestle Damian down to get him from killing someone. It was that bad.” Dick looked at Jason before glancing down. Clenching his fist. He never realised how bad she had it before coming to the minor.

“I can tell you this. Were her only family now. So let's make her happy here” The boys nodded at Dick.Just before the door opened and Bruce came out with Margret following behind him. She had stopped crying and you could see that she was. She was now hiding behind Bruce’s leg.

“Let’s show her to her room. She’s calm now. She also know you won’t hurt her” Bruce said as he rested his hand on her head. The boys smiled at her before Dick started making his way to her room. He knew where it was at due to it being almost across from his. As they were walking along the way to her room she noticed there was mall golden plaques in each of the rooms labeling what was in the room and it’s purpose.

When they reached a room with a plaque ‘Margret’ she instantly knew it was her room. A room that didn’t have a cage. A room with a window. A room that belonged to her and hers alone. The boys noticed the curiosity in the young girl's eyes. Which in returned made them happy. She was starting to open up to them. Brice opened the door to reveal a bright pink room with pink furniture. The boys looked at Margret to see she had a depressed look on
her face mixed in with disgust.

“What’s the matter? Do you not like the room?” asked Tim. She sighed before turning to them.

“It’s not that I don’t like it. I was just wondering if you had a darker room than pink. I hate the color pink” she said in a nice calmed voice. The boys sighed in relief. They all thought she was going to like pink and wanted nothing but pink. Boy were they wrong. Bruce shut the door gently before heading to another room followed by the kids. He opened the door revealing a dark room which pleased Margret more.

Across the room was a balcony that pointed out over the manors small forest and was pointing east. A queen sized black wooden bed was placed in the middle of the room against the right wall. A black duvet covered it along with black and white pillows at the head. A white door popped out against the black walls. Which led to the closet. Black, White, and Dark blue shirts, pants, and dresses were hanging neatly on hangers with all sorts of shoes placed neatly on the shelves that were in the front. Across the room on the other side was a 60 inch flat screen t.v. settled on the wall. Hooked up to a DVD player and a satellite box that rested on the tv stand under it. Next to it was another white door that led to a full size bathroom. That had a toilet, sink, bathtub, and shower.

She smiled at her new room that now belonged to her.

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