Act 4

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The bus kept stopping at farmhouses, At the eleventh stop Weston (ASSHOLE EXTRAORINARE) got off, his family owned a very large chunk of the farmland around these parts, so of course he'd be popular and rich compared to everyone else at school.

Girls flocked to him and used him for money, but then again he used them just as much- AND NOW I REALIZE I'M CROSSING OVER INTO STUPID THOUGHT TERRITORY so Imma stop thinking about that now.

Anyways, we're at the last stop, my stop, and Me, Amelia, Jasper, and Malachite all just got off of the bus. Walking down the dirt path and right next to the forest of trees that the church hasn't cut down yet for some reason.

I'm pretty sure the church sent out a warning to us about the forest and the path around it. Something about a dangerous Mutant Human making their home there or something, anyways it was really boring and long.

Jasper and Amelia were both walking in front of me and Malachite, Amelia was hugging Jasper's abdomen while they walked, and Jasper has an arm around her.

"Hm, wonder if I'll get to be like that with someone?" I accidentally let that out, though it was just a mumble after all. But Malachite immediately glared at me for wondering it, she then stated "You WILL be like that with someone who's right for you, don't worry Karma."

Of course, I knew she was just trying to help, but that didn't exactly help my feelings any. I knew that because I liked both girls and boys I was going to be picked on '-' and I don't really care that I am.

I seriously just want a cuddle buddy, like, is that so hard to friggin get? Ugh.. ANYWAYS once we had gotten down the forest side pathway we made it to an apartment building that was completely abandoned other than our apartment, we liked us all alone out there, it was quiet and private.

We could use our abilities inside, as long as we didn't have the blinds or curtains open that is. We only occupied one apartment because we all wanted to stay close together for safety. I guess we're all slightly insecure that something might happen to us one night and we won't be able to get to eachother quick enough.

WOAH, WAIT UP, once we got inside I smelled something AMAZING, was it... IT WAS, I KNEW THAT SMELL. I ran up the staircase, and slightly used my telekinesis to carry myself up the stairs at a safe but fast speed (I FLEW UP THE STAIRS REALLY QUICKLY).

I even friggin opened the door with my ability, running inside and turning to look at the kitchen. My mother was in there with my little sister helping her make it too, which was Adorable by the way.

But I wasn't focused on that, I was focused on the fact that my mother was making something amazing, it was HOMEMADE POTATO SOUP, I FUCKIN LOVE MY MOTHER'S HOMEMADE POTATO SOUP.

"What's goin on????!? Why are you making somethin so goooooooooooood??" I was curious, what were they going to tell me.. I hope it's nothing bad, I don't know if I'd be able to take it. Please, just tell me what's going onnnnnn.

Then, all of a sudden, Amelia, Jasper, Malachite, my little sister, and my mother all just threw party hats on and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

Wait.. sHIT IT IS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY. AWWWWW they were waiting until the party to tell me, that's so nice of em. . . Oh crap, I didn't even remember my own birthday, HEH I PROBABLY SHOULD HAVE REMEMBERED IT.

Anywayssssss I just giggled slightly and started grinning like an idiot, of course I gave each of them a hug and then thanked them endlessly for doing this, I never really cared for my birthday but.. this was nice.

When we all finally got sat down, my mother brought out a cake and set it in rhe middle of the table, it had fifteen candles on it, and they all told me to make a wish and blow em out.

So I took a deep breath, and blew out all of the candles with one go (never underestimate a bi man's lungs, EVER.), Malachite kind of just did an eyebrow wiggle at me, cause that's the weird way we made eachother uncomfortable with.

I responded with "I SHALL SMIGHT THEE, EVIL MALACHITE" and jumped out of my chair to run after her. After that Malachite ran around the house being chased by me for a while, she even jumped off a wall once- I FORGOT THAT SHE HAD BEEN IN GYMNASTICS, FML SHE'S GOOD AT THIS.

We were all just having fun, enjoying the party, and after a while it was getting dark- but I swear I jusy heard someone's thoughts a little bit away from the house, which was not normal..

We're way out here, so the only reason someone would be here is official church business or a farmer offering us some of his crop or something like that.

Anyways, it just wasn't normal, so I warned everyone and made sure that we had all of the curtains shut.. CRAP, EARLIER WHEN I FLEW UP THE STAIRS THERE WAS A CURTAIN OPEN, shit shit shit. Let's just hope I didn't screw things up.

We all made sure to be quiet and hid all evidence of our abilities, we couldn't even think about them because you never know where a telepathic is. But, we've never seen another telepathic- actually, we've never seen another Mutant Human other than ourselves in person.

We've seen videos in class about them using their abilities, and there is such such a large range of possibilities for abilities, it's crazy to think about.

I wonder what I would've gone through if I was a normal human instead of a Mutant.. EH, WHO HAS TIME FOR THOSE THOUGHTS ANYWAYS? imma just go enjoy myself now that the thoughts have dissapeared.

We still had to be quiet though, because we were unsure of if the person was still there or not.. but we told jokes and giggled quietly, omigod Jasper has such bad jokes 😂😂.

In the distance, on a tree, a camera pointed towards the apartment building saw it all, the footage being replayed by a church official.

It was footage.. of Karma flying.

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