Act 7

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It was around 7:30am when they woke me up, I had fallen asleep in Maxy's bed, and apologized for doing so multiple times 😅 I still feel bad for stealing her bedroom.

Maxy told me each time that it was alright, and Jasper just gave me a thumbs up and winked at me, so I threw a pillow at him.. guess I shouldn't have used telekinesis cause it smacked him straight in the face, which sure sounded like it hurt but Jasper didn't seem to care either way.

Then Maxy and the rest left the room, bringing me along with them to the dining room. "Holy crap... seriously though, this place looks amazing.." I was WAY too amazed by this place for some reason.

Gaia giggled and nodded her head to thank me, she seemed more quiet than Maxy.. they really were like complete opposites, weren't they? Weird..

We all sat down at the table, and Gaia invited me to help make breakfast with her in the kitchen, so I did. Gaia handed me a knife and asked me to chop up some green onions, so I minced them- might I add, without using any of my abilities? Ohoho~ so talented~ just kiddin.

Anyways, we had these amazing bacon bit and green onion omelets, and after breakfast we all helped up cleaning.

I noticed Maxy walking in the middle of everyone, "Hey, Everyone! I have a question me and Gaia would like to ask you!!" Maxy's voice sounded excited and slightly worried.

Everybody gathered around, Gaia was now standing next to Maxy, I was inbetween Amelia and Malachite, Maxy then began to speak up again.

"So, me and Gaia are going to be leaving in search of a Mutant Human friendly civilization where we could potentially live in peace, or just for a permanent home that nobody would ever find us by.. the reason we're leaving to suddenly is, well, Gaia felt that the trees towards the southwest (towards their apartment building) are being burnt down, so we have to hurry. The question is.. would you guys wanna come along?"

I'm pretty sure we all were suprised, and thinking hardly. I scratched my head, wondering what we should do- I mean, I trusted Maxy and wanted to go along, but I don't know about Jasper.. he looked like he put his guard up higher than before.

I raised my hand "I would like to go with ya, Maxy." I was ready to get out of this terrible place, who cares how difficult it is? It can't possibly be THAT hard.

Malachite, Amelia, and Mira all agreed with me, though Jasper only agreed because Amelia did- '-' couple logic. Weirdos.

Maxy was so happy when we agreed, she gave me a bear hug that almost crushed me, welp. There goes my back for forever. See ya later back! ;-;

"Well, first we'll have to exit the city walls, and we'll all have to do our part for that to work out correctly, alright? I'll be able to transfer us as far as.. hmmm, maybe about the gates opening? There will be guards, we saw them on the way in.... so everyone packed, er what?"

I nodded "Uh, Maxy, you're awfully ready to leave.. huh?" I was wondering why she wanted to leave so soon- but of course she gave me a little bit of a 'because' look, which meant she either had bad memories here, which she did, or something I didn't understand.

Her father was abusive as well.. we'd get together and laugh while we could, we even had our own secret hideout when we were younger- though back then we had a third friend with us.

That third friend, I remember her like she was still with us... but I really shouldn't talk about her, it makes it harder to move on that way, though I don't exactly want to move on from her.

Shit, babbling again. "Alright, we leave in thirty minutes, so everyone get your stuff together!" Maxy returned to her cheerful self after that look she shot at me, waltzing off with Gaia to their rooms so that they could pack as well.

Me and Mira both packed our stuff up pretty quickly, Jasper and Amelia took a little longer than us- maybe Amelia had more clothes than us? Who knows.

Malachite was already waiting at the entrance with Maxy and Gaia when we walked up to there.

"Okay, I know you guys just had to deal with these guys shooting at you, but we have to pass some of them in order to get out safely. Either that or I don't know another route- SO THAT WAY IT IS!" God damn it Maxy 😂 you spaz.

Maxy then pointed at the root covered wall to the right of the blocked entrance, the air in front of the wall then ripped open a portal looking thing, the inside of it was filled with a solar system looking space, though when we all jumped inside one by one there was an invisible floor that clanked like metal when we walked on it.

There were LOTS of weapons lying around everywhere, even extra supplies and some food. Holy crap Maxy, you're a friggin wonderful hoarder.

Maxy then winked at us to show off, another portal opening up and showing the inside of the gate- the way outside was through an underground building, I wondered if it would just be easier to break down the wall or fly over, but we'd either make it harder for the citizens to live or be shot down those ways.

This was the only way. As soon as we hopped out of the rift Maxy followed last and closed the rift after grabbing that baseball bat she had the first time she saw us in the cavern.

"Alright.. here goes everything." I mumbled before running out, Maxy was leading, Gaia behind Maxy, Jasper and Amelia behind Gaia, Me and Mira were next. Malachite was in the back, she knew that I was protective of Mira so she helped me out by protecting the rear, because Mira was running behind me while holding my hand.

There were four guards at the entrance to the underground building. First up was me, I focused and the ground beneath them crumbled, them falling into the pits I had made by compressing and moving the dirt outwards and downward.

I then swept a little layer of dirt over the pits, Gaia grew some tree roots to keep the ground up in those spots so that they would not be discovered.

Hell yeah, first opponents dealt with. We can do this shit!!

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