Act 1

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I mean, at least there was still electricity running through the power lines that remained in tact. Our house was a large apartment outside of the cities grounds, the reasoning for us living way out here? The Churches rarely come to this place. Everyone out here are either farmers or just dislike the city for one reason or the other.

Why do me and my housemates dislike the city? Well, they'd try to murder us if they found out about us having abilities, or that we're Mutants in the first place. Everyone in our apartment is a Mutant with special abilities, other than my mother and little sister.

There are only six of us living in the apartment, these six are me, my mother, my little sister, Amelia, Jasper, and lastly but certainly not least a friend we met from our old high school whose name is Malachite.

Our apartment is gigantic for just being an apartment, we have a kitchen, living room, dining room, two bedrooms, and two bathrooms. So we get along with eachother pretty well. But, the taxes for the apartment are kinda annoying.

The Churches, in order to make sure they have extra cash and just because they don't allow people to use resources freely, have put a tax on us citizens that is collected every month, like how bills used to work.. ish.

Anyways, my mother goes to work as a nurse, me and the other three my age go to the newly built Highschool (which was, of course, made by the "wonderful Church"), and my little sister goes to the elementary school that was recovered and restored recently.

The Churches put bans on anything suggesting god isn't real, so scientific explanations to how the world was created had become lost knowledge. Though they did not do much to the other subjects- other than put like seven chapters in the social studies books showing how wonderful the Churches are, blah blah blah.

Though, they've added a class called "Divine Recognition" which shows how we should praise the Churches, thank them for shelter, blah blah. It's a hassle in all honesty.. but to keep our covers we have to do well in each class, no matter what it asks of us.

We can never stray from the new definition of "average", or else they'll end up finding out about us.. I'm afraid in all honesty. Afraid that they'll take away my family, my friends, all without me being able to do anything about it.. I'm pretty sure that's the reason I don't sleep much.

Us Mutants have a higher resistance to poisons and drugs, so melatonin ended up only working about three times before I became completely immune to it, which sucks.

Holy shit, I just realized, it's getting awfully close to my birthday. I was born on July 16th 2002, and I'm currently fourteen. Amelia is fourteen, and her birthday is in July as well. Jasper's sixteen, and his birthday is February 7th. Malachite is fifteen, and her birthday is around December 18th.

Well, I'm an average teenage boy, except for I always have my hair covering my eyes, my mother doesn't like the hairstyle.. she says I look like a "Mop". My sister always asks how I can see through it, I just tell her it's super easy to do. Anyways I'm around 5'6-5'7 and weigh like.. 160 some odd lbs. I naturally have dark brown hair that becomes an Amber-ish red in the sunlight, though it looks pitch black if not in the sunlight for some odd reason, it's really weird.

Jasper is a dude, Amelia is a female, my mother and sister are also females.. Holy crap, even Malachite is a girl. I just realized me and Jasper are the only guys in the apartment- BUT I've explained enough!!

It was around 6:37am when I was woken up by my mother and little sister, "Hey, Panda, wake up. You're doin it again" said my sister. I knew exactly what was going on when she said it, and so I glanced around.

The two dressers in our (my sisters, moms, and my) room were levitating about three feet off the ground, all the paper we had in our backpacks had covered the walls and ceiling, and finally our bunk bed was floating as well. I sighed, concentrating before everything began to slowly return to its place.

This was one of my three abilities, and as far as I know I only have three. This was the last ability I found out about, I'm a telekinetic. Which is lovely, since when ya sleep you end up moving things around unconciously.

"Sorry, I'll get to organizing my assignments.." I can't remember how many times I've said this before. It always happens whenever I sleep, so its kind of annoying. Yeah, this is practically every morning, other than when I don't sleep at all.

The Churches high priest visits the school today.. shit. I've heard that he has an ability to detect potential, which makes him a motherfucking MUTANT HUMAN- but I guess as long as he believes in god and is apart of the church he's overlooked.

After arranging my assignments I threw on a nicely fitting black shirt, some almost black jeans (they're actually really dark grey), and some black converse- oops, almost forgot my hoodie. I turn to the other side of my room and pick up a hoodie from a hook on the door.

I put on the hoodie in a hurry, and you know why my sister called me "Panda"?, because I always wear this hoodie. It's a black hoodie eith white sleeves, the hood part is black with white and black little ears popping out of it. My real name's Karma though, but all of my housemates call me panda unless they're talking about something serious.

SHIT, IT'S ALREADY 7:25AM???!?!?!!?
CRAP, I throw on my black Nike backpack and head out of my room, waving at my mom and sister who were in the bathroom brushing their hair. Amelia, Jasper, and Malachite were all three waiting for me outside the front door. As soon as I flung out the door, I dashed for the city, the three yelling at me to "Slow it down!!" and catching up to me.

Once we got into town we tool a bus to the highschool, we were a little exhausted from the running, so Amelia and Jasper fell asleep next to eachother- oh yeah, forgot to mention.. Amelia, who is literally only five feet one inch at the most, is dating Jasper, who is about six feet one inch tall. Yeah, they're adorable.

On the bus ride there, we watching the buildings pass by, there were many that had warning tape around them, and others that were restored for citizens to reside in.

Also, we've just arrived at the highschool. The gigantic place that is the only highschool around for miles and miles to come. Here is where we show our student ID's and get off the bus, as I took my last step the selfish fuckboi prick decided he would push me off the bus. Wonderful. I took a nosedive and smacked my face against the concrete- or that's what they believe.

I'd instinctively slowed down my fall and stopped it completely at the end, just a centimeter from the ground at the most. I then was dropped onto the ground nicely. The assholes who were laughing couldn't tell what happened though, my long ass hair helped with the covering up the floating for a moment. It was touching the ground so they'd thought I hit already.

You wanna know how I know what they're thinkin? Well, my first ability that I found out about was telepathy, the reading of others' minds.

I stood up, dusting myself off before being smacked on the back "Jokingly" by that fuckboi prick again. I know his name is Weston, but I like "Fuckboi Prick" better. So do all the girls who've been his victims.

I began to walk, Jasper and Amelia catching up to me because they were the last to exit. Malachite had gone way ahead of us all and was already inside, wait.. she was holding the door open for us, we all four headed inside and stood in line for breakfast.

Good fucking lord, this was gonna be a long day.

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