The date

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*Hannahs POV*

After a night in my bed with Connor keeping me warm I wake up to the smell of sausage and bacon. Mmhm my favourite.
I walked to the kitchen to see Connor. Not ready for the day cooking for me. "Smells good" my accent came through thick. I hadn't had that much come through since I arrived.
I was meeting up with Amanda later to get my hair and makeup done and to pick out a dress.
"Don't overthink tonight or get nervous" Connor said to me coming for a hug. He noticed I was a bit shaky.
Amanda walked in at that point. "Am I interrupting something" i turned to her "no no, I was just waiting for you" I pecked Connor on the lips before leaving with Amanda. In the car journey we talked about life work and Connor. Which ended up turning into Matt. "They both were my role models and that obviously on Tuesday. I don't understand what happened and Connor still doesn't have work. Which means I don't. I came here for this job. To work with Connor. But since I've came here I've ruined it. The whole office ruined because of me. Why am I still here. Why don't I just go home. Home was fine except for some minor issues. All of my friends are there. No one here speaks my language and every qualification I have is useless. Everything I know is different here. Even shopping is different. If I get asked about my education I can't talk about it as I don't know how your system works." I was starting to get agitated and before I got to continue Amanda started talking. "Well why don't you take Connor me and some of the others to your home. Teach us your lifestyle your language" after saying that she looked puzzled. "I speak Gaelic a minority language. I have that as my first degree and education and media studies as a second and third. I have to do everything back to Scotland in Gaelic. I speak to all my friends in Gaelic. We know English but we were taught to always speak Gaelic. All my work is in Gaelic. I help my government to get the language more well known." I stop not knowing what else to say. "When we get back I can show you my work I had to bring it with me to continue in courses in politics." I said to Amanda. "Sure that will be awesome it'll be good to know stuff about each other. We can organise a time to all go away. You can shows about." I smile to Amanda after she says that. I'm so happy someone understands me. We pull up to her house and she takes me in. I see Matt sitting

 I see Matt sitting

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there. He waves to me. "Matt Connors alone at home you know what you need to do" Amanda orders Matt to talk to Connor. I smile. She takes me up to her office to do my makeup and hair. She has a gown for me to wear. I told Connor to dress very smart. I wore a emerald green ball gown with heels. I wore my hair in a French braid with summer colours for my makeup. Amanda done amazing. It took us 2 hours. Matt had been to mine and talked to Connor. "You 2 both have your job back" me and Amanda smiled and headed to mine. "Good luck. I helped Connor with his tux. He looks fiinnee" I giggled and headed to mine. Amanda dropped me off and I headed back up. We would look through my stuff tomorrow. I walked in and saw Connor he was gleaming and looked hot in his tux.

*Connors POV*

I waited anxiously I had my job back and couldn't wait to see. My jaw dropped. "You l-look beautiful" I stuttered I took her hand and jumped in her car. Amanda had done a great job on her.
We pulled up to the arena and parked. We had private parking. Hannah took my hand and went inside. We got into our box and had a great view on the rink.
The game went so quick and we won 7-2 4 goals in the last quarter. I had the time of my life, and it was spent with my partner for life. She said though that this was just part 1 of the date. Part 2 was still in planning. She was treating me so well and I don't think I deserved it. She told me that I was staying at hers for the now and that I was going to work. She was going to work from home.

*The next morning-Hannah's POV*

I woke up with a note next to me. Connor was already at work. I looked at my phone I had texts and missed calls galore. John was back. I wasn't to go in. Matt, Connor, gunner and Bryan were all hurt. There was damage to the office. The police were searching for him. I turned on the tv to see coverage of it.
Scottish man on the loose attacked a YouTube studio this morning police are protecting the person being looked for.
I look out my widow and door to see police and Connor trying to get in. I opened the door and asked them to let him in. He came in and rugby tackled me to the floor. Tickling me. I was so happy to see him. He landed on the floor and whimpered. I could see no visible bruises until I took his shirt off. His body was covered in bruises cuts and more. "W-what has he done to you. I-I-I should've been there" he pulled me and kissed me I pulled out and cried. He cried too. I had to stay strong I couldn't let him beat me. I didn't in Scotland I won't here.
I went into my office while Connor sat in the living room. I found some bits of my works and translated them. Connor walked in. "What's that your doing" he didn't understand a word of it. "I'm sending it to Amanda it's my old work from school and uni we were talking yesterday about and that's how she found about it. If you here me speak Gaelic remind me I'm not in Scotland or Nova Scotia." "Cool" he replies. I smile and he goes back to the living room. I finish translating them and send them to Amanda. I open a chrome tab and start researching flights to Glasgow. Good quality flights. I still use British websites as American ones are different.

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