The Plan

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It would cost about £1500 to get there and back for the six of us. Matt,me,Connor,Amanda,gunner,j-Fred. We would stay in the Grand Central Hotel near central station. It's only about a 5 minute walk to the city centre and two train stations are close meaning it would be very easy to get around. We would book 3 rooms, 2 families and 1 double.
We would arrive late and would probably just get a chippy on the first night.
I was starting to get excited. I forgot what was happening outside which was bad as suddenly I just heard a thump. Connor had passed out. John was in my living room. I opened my front door to get the police in. But no one was there. Luckily I was on the phone to Amanda so she sent Matt and the others over. It all just went black from there. I woke up in bed with Connor by my side. Crying. I just stared at him. He really cared for me. "Hello" I slowly said. His face lit up. He squeezed me tight. He's a man of little words but big emotions. The others were in the living room. They all cheered and hugged me. Connor pulled me to the side. He asked me about what I was planning and he just said "I would love to go to your country but don't pay for it all. Ill pay for bits." I shook my head. "I'm paying for it all and there's no arguing". He just smiled and looked at me.
After everyone except Matt and Amanda had left me and Amanda went to plan more.

*Connors POV*

"Matt, I think Hannah's planning to take us to Scotland but I don't want her to pay for it all." Matt looked at me "dude, let her plan it you pay in the country. You'll love it." As Matt says that Amanda comes out and hands us a piece of paper to sign.
You are coming to Scotland with me Amanda joey and gunner. We leave in 3 weeks. Leave everything to me and Amanda. Do not interfere.
Please sign here x

I sign it and hand it to Matt. "When you telling the other two." "Oh we have they've already signed". I giggle. Me and Matt were just talking about new ideas for hi5 and he just let it slip out. "I just need help. I can't take the stress anymore. I'm relying on myself to do everything I just need help from somewhere. Everyone wants me to do something for them." I grab him and pull him into a hug he just broke down. "Well that explains the past weeks." We paused all I could here was sobs "Matt ill help you. As a co-worker and as a fan I have a duty to do something for my role model." He looked at me and smiled I guess happy to hear me say those words. He just felt like he had lost a lot of weight.
Amanda walks in and takes Matt Home. Me and Hannah just watch movies and fell asleep on the couch. I really loved this girl. She cared for me and I cared for her.

*The next morning-First day as Connor being Matts high level helper*

I was still showrunner of Team Edge Gaming but I felt good helping Matt putting everything from last week behind us.
I head to his office and he hands me a gift. He gives me a separate work phone and laptop. "The work phone will only have my, Hannah's, mikes and Kevin's numbers plus any contacts I give you." "Thanks?" I'm flabbergasted "I guess your happy then go downstairs and get yourself settled." I go downstairs to see a desk behind my current desk. 'For work' I set my MacBook up with the phone beside it. Matt has downloaded everything I'll need. Including a list of everything to do today. I had a lot to do but I put myself up to it.

*Hannahs POV*

Connor seemed happy helping Matt. His distraction helped me get on with planning our trip. I set my stuff down in my cubicle in the new red base. It was mine so I could design it how I want. So I planned my space including desk lamps and little lights and pins of Polaroid pictures.
I went out to Office Depot. The first time I'd went shopping here alone. So I kinda was in the blank.
I found a nice lady who helped me and sent me in the right direction to Best Buy to buy a Polaroid.
My phone buzzes. It's Connor. 'Hey where are you? Been looking around for you.' I panicked I forgot I hadn't told anyone where I was. I quickly ran around Best Buy buying a Polaroid and some spare photo papers.
I sped back to the office pulling up to red base seeing Connor worried. "I'm so so sorry" I dropped my shopping bags and hugged him. He looked at my bags then me. "You okay. You've never been out shopping here yourself." He joked "I required some stuff so I went out. I wanted to decorate my booth so I got some stuff." He looked around the bags. "A Polaroid won't help" I just looked at him. "It's so I can take pictures of stuff in the office and pin them up".
I take the bags and start putting stuff on my desk. I'm really picky where things go. "Are you two okay" it's Sam. She looks at me then Connors door. "Yeah why wouldn't we be". She just nods and goes back to her work. I get confused. Does she know something. Is Connor planning something. I panic again. I just black out.
I wake up in the console room. Connor just rubbing my leg. I jump up. He's hit my scar. "You okay princess" he's concerned "y-yeah I-I'm f-fine." I'm really jumpy and I run out into ladies room. I hear knocking. It's Connor and Matt. "I-I'm fine. Just need space". It could be the space I'm in. Maybe it's too cramped. "I don't know if space means the toilet. You can sit in the console room. Ill leave you be" Connor replies "thanks" I slowly say walking out into the console room. While closing the blinds though i see Connor talking to Sam and the others. He looks concerned. Maybe it was what Sam said to me. I sit on the couch. Turn on the switch and start playing Mario kart. I loved Mario kart, it brought out my childish side. I must of played for hours as by the time I came out it was dark out and it was only me Connor and Matt in the office. They two were in a meeting with each other it was a call to somewhere in Europe as I heard that. I sat and worked on my cubicle. I saw a note on the table
'Sorry if it was my fault you blacked out I was just concerned. Sam'
She was young and it wasn't her fault. I texted her that. Until I saw the boys come down. They looked very happy with themselves

The one day that changed my life (Connor TEG)Where stories live. Discover now