Scotland. The guys. The interviews. The Trial

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*Connors POV*

It was a long flight but it was nice to be back. A bit daunting this time, knowing what I was having to go through. Hannah wasn't as happy this time. She looked gloomy. Sad. Not herself. Like someone was controlling her. She didn't talk to me or Matt. Like she didn't know us. "Matt, can you see the difference in Hannah. Comparing to the last time we were here" he nodded at my comment but we didn't want to upset her so we left her be.
We collected our bags and headed to the taxi. "Connor, do you feel any different being here. With the trial. And interviews." Hannah looked at me puzzled. "Yeah. The trial is making me a bit nervous, but I will stay strong for you." I hugged her reassuringly before we jumped in the car. Matt looked around before joining us in the car. He also looked different. Maybe because he wasn't with Amanda. I don't know. "Premier inn. Cumbernauld" Hannah said to the driver. The hotel was right next to the new office.
The office was now fully built and ready to be furnished. The office would be used for logistics and things like that. Some videos will be edited and produced from here. We might start some channels. Tomorrow we start the interviews for the managers and editors. Producers the next day. We then have 1 day to make our decision then the trial starts.

*3 days later. The trial*

The interviews went well. We now have a team. Hundreds of applications came in but somehow we got through them all.
Today though. The trial begins. I will be called up for my stabbing and Matt for what happened at the golf. Hannah's brother will come up for the kidnapping and we have letters from the other guys that were with us explaining everything they knew. All I knew was hannah didn't want to do this.
We sat outside the high court until we were called in for the start. Me and Matt sat right behind Hannah with her parents and brother next to me. Her uncle though. He died after being put in jail. Heart attack or something.

*Hannahs POV*

I sat at the table. Listening to what John had to say. He told lies. Constantly. That was when I was called up. "I swear to tell all by the truth and not to lie. By the name of the law." I stood at the witness desk shaking. "Hannah could you please tell us you story." I nodded then started. "When I met John he was nice and caring. But there was one day when it changed. I was out in Glasgow with my friends and my friends started talking to some guys. They tagged along with us. John was spying on us. Walking behind us. Watching us from shops. And when I" I stopped and looked at john. Then the judge. He gestured for me to continue. "When I arrived home late at night. He was standing at the door. And started interrogating me. Asking who the guys were. Asking what I was doing with them. Saying a was a cheater. Then he hit me and started beating me up. Whipping me. Hurting me.
That's when I turned to self harm. That's what these marks are. Cause that monster changed me. He hirt me." That's when I fell to the floor and broke down. "You may go back to your seat. No questions." I sat back at my table with my hands covering my face. "Calling the jury to make there decision. Everyone else. Please exit the room. Recess until called back." I stood up and exited the room. I walked past johns both as he stared at me. Matt and Connor made there statements in private.
The room we sat in was empty but loud. I never spoke. I sat in the corner alone. If anyone came near me I hid my face. That's when we were called in. "After the jury has made there decision. We find john haser guilty." Those words flew over my head. I cried happy tears and hugged my lawyer. I was so happy.

*Connors POV*

"Guilty" guilty he's guilty. I jumped up and hugged Matt. I caught a glimpse of Hannah. I smiled to her. She looked jubilant. Her parents tackled me in a hug. "Your family. You know that." Her mum whispered in my ear. That made me happy. They accepted me. Her brother then approached me. "How you holding on. Y'know after the whole gunner incident." "Fine. Getting better. Been long without work, when I get back I go back to work. Im learning to live with the limp." He nodded and I headed to where hannah was standing. I hugged her. "Well done pumpkin" she laughed and we headed to the rest of the guys.

*Johns. POV*

I lost. I actually lost. "Get off me. I said. GET OFF ME. NOW!" They gripped me tighter. Life sentence no bail.
I want out already. I want my girl back

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