The Holiday (part4)

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*Connors POV*

We pulled out of the hotel car park and headed to the motorway. I sat in the back with Matt and Amanda sat in the front. When we left, we left every bit of work to Mike and Kevin. I felt bad and brought my computer. I opened my mac and started in emails. "Woah dude your on vacation put ur computer away." Matt looked at me "I need to do something" I just silenced Matt and continued working. After an hour and a half of driving we pulled into the castle car park. We took about 4 hours inside. Listening to stories from actors. (A/n they do this in real life. It's amazing to listen too.). Hannah had never been here. It surprised me as it was so close to Home. We headed into Stirling but quickly left as everything was shut. That was unusual to see for us. Hannah was confused too. We just went back to the hotel to sleep.

*The morning*

We headed out early. There was a major championship on in St. Andrews and Hannah was taking up to it. It was part of her 'summer of sport'. We all slept in the car. Except for gunner and Hannah.

*Gunners POV-Ohh new revelations*

Hannah was such a good singer. She looked beautiful. I think I'm falling for. No gunner she goes out with your best friend you can't steal that. You can't get everything. But she looks stunning. "Hey gunner". Hannah was looking at me as I was staring at her. "H-h-hey." I was stuttering it was so obvious. I needed to snap out of it.
I fell into awkward silence until we arrived. I started getting nervous. I knew that if Connor noticed he would beat me up. Even though he's my best friend. We walked in and split up. Hannah and Connor followed the British players while we followed the Americans. It was like a small Ryder cup.

*Hannahs POV*

Gunner was really awkward in the car. Sitting staring at me. I was happy to be back with Connor. He wasn't awkward with me. He went round with me to see the British players. It's a Ryder cup for masters.
I could only get tickets for today so we were heading to Dundee tonight. "Hey chipmunk, can you sit with me in the front to Dundee?" He looked at me confused. I stood there awkwardly. "Sure I will?" He was still confused. I knew gunner was his best friend. "This has something to do with gunner hasn't it." I sheepishly nod. "I'm going to kill that m" I shush his mouth. Someone's about to take a shot. Afterwards I say "Connor he's your best friend." "Yeah and I'm your boyfriend and if he does that again you talk to me straight away" I've never really seen him like this. He's normally so shy and caring not angry and and jealous. When I said that I was shocked. Why would he be shocked. "I'm fine just come on we're here to watch the golf. Just forget about it." He'd read my facial expressions he knew me after 3 months. More than anyone in my life. Matt shows up and Connor leaves. "Hey Matt" I'm kinda awkward I want to talk to him but I can't. "Hey" he says looking down I find a small coffee pop up shop and point to it. "Coffee". He nods and we walk in. This is my chance to talk to him. I take out my phone and hand it to him. I've had this since last week. It arrived once I turned off aeroplane mode. It made me quite scared.
The last part was sent when Matt arrived next to me and Connor went. It was an unknown number. Then I saw it.
I black out. I wake up in a hospital bed. It's the Dundee infirmary. I blacked out from panicking. I was out for 5 hours. In an induced coma. I woke up with Connor by my side praying. I still couldn't see or speak but I could squeeze his hand and listen to him. He stayed with me until he was ushered out. I missed him even though he came back later. The guys had found the hotel we were staying in and went there. Connor stayed with me over night and held my hand the whole time. I heard the doctor speaking to Connor.

*Connors POV*

"Right explain to me why your here." The doctor asked me. I clear my throat. "Em, well Hannah here is from Glasgow and came over to LA to work for the company that I work for. She is now my girlfriend and she wanted to take me and my friends here cause she was homesick. We took a month of work and she's touring us around the whole coast and islands." I stopped talking and cried. I just felt it was my fault. Matt had shown me the text. Who is the creep. I've left this all to Hannah. I need to help her. "Sorry sir I didn't mean to upset" "no it's fine. Don't feel bad. When will we get out." She smiled "she should wake up tomorrow and then after a couple of hours of checks you can go." "How much will it cost" I ask thinking this will cost a fortune. She looked at me puzzled. "The NHS is free. All healthcare doesn't cost anything." "Sorry I didn't know that." She laughs then leaves the room. "You hear that Hannah. Leave tomorrow. We can head to Forfar. We can see your family." She grabs my hand. But then jumps up. The doctor runs in. "Sir please leave. Don't panic". What had I said. Why did she shriek up. It must have been something to do with her family. I texted Matt. 'Dude you awake' he suddenly texts back. 'Yeah why.' 'Come into the hospital. Just you and your phone. Make sure you have Hannah's as well. Ill explain when you arrive'
The hospital wasn't that far away from the hotel so he wouldn't be long. I needed to get to the bottom of this.

A/n sorry no update yesterday. I was busy. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I will probably only update once. Just due to time constraints. Sorry. Also we're nearly at 100 views. That's ridiculous thank you!!

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