Chapter 10 - Alive or not?

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Katherina's POV

"Need a ride?" I heard voice behind me.

"Are you following me?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Wow Rina you think I don't have better things to do than keeping tabs on you?" he asked in joking manner.

"Could you drop me at my apartment?" I asked with a suggestive look.

"Whatever you need, I am here to serve you." he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Don't you think we are long time over with you charming me?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Maybe" he answered.

"Here are your keys, sir." The valet came bringing his keys.

"You know we'll be on front pages tomorrow morning." I said entering his car

"That's even better don't you think?" he said closing car door after me, but I didn't miss his famous smirk.


"So what brings you here in New York?" I asked him after we entered my apartment, witch is actually a penthouse.

"Can't I miss my fiance?" I raised my eyebrow at this, not saying anything.

"I have some very useful information for you." He said taking USB stick from his pocket.

"What's the catch?" I asked him, fully knowing that he always wants something just like me.

You probably wonder why am I engaged at eighteen. The thing is both me and Alexander don't believe in love, we only have mutual attraction for each other. The best part is whenever one needs something the other has it. This is more of a no strings attached relationship, but with different rules obviously because we are engaged.

Rule #1 No love, just affection.

Rule #2 We can see other people, but no one can't find out about it.

Rule #3 Always there for each other, no matter what happens.

Rule #4 No falling in love with each other. (Basically same as the rule #1)

Rule #5 No one needs to know that we are fake. In public we are lovey dovey couple.

Rule #6 Relationship started just to get each others connection with other people. (But soon everyone started to like idea of us being together so we got engaged.)

Rule #7 We always need to be each others date to any kind of events.

There is so many rules we made together when we started this relationship, some of them are really stupid. Those seven are the most important ones. Also I forgot to mention there are punishments for breaking any of these rules.

"Bella (bella on italian means beautiful), you know what I want, and I also know you want it as much as I do" he said smirking at me.

"You are right." I smirked untying his tie and tossing it aside.


Marco De Luca's POV

"Dad who is Katherina Gold?" I asked entering our mansion after dinner that happened not so while ago.

"Katherina Gold is Christopher's only child. She was seven years old soon to be eight when she supposedly died with her mother in explosion. Deaths of two most important women made Christopher weak. He lost everything that was important to him. His empire started crumbling down. I don't know, no one knows what happened but he got back on track." My father said with confusion written all over his face.

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