Incubus Part 8

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"I'm sorry, what?" you respond immediately, your lips falling into a frown to match the stranger's.

"It's not safe for you to be here. We need to go. Now." He steps forward, reaching out for you.

You counter his movement by stepping back, eyeing him warily. "What are you talking about? I live here."

He shakes his head. "No, you don't, Y/N."

You feel your heart stop, the panic quickly settling in your stomach like spoiled milk. "How do you know my name? Who the hell are you?"

He sighs in irritation. "My name is Steve Rogers. I can explain on the way. But we need to leave now while we still have time." He reaches out for you again.

Once more, you step out of his reach. "I'm not going anywhere with you unless you tell me what this is about."

His gaze narrows into a glare that seems out of place on his nearly perfect features. "I didn't want to do it this way, but if you'll give me no choice..."

He lets the words hang in the air as your only warning before he darts forward. He moves faster than you can even blink and before you know it, you've been hoisted up onto his shoulder.

"Wha- Hey!" you scream in outrage. "Let me go you asshole!"

Before you can struggle any further, you're suddenly blinded by a burst of white. It takes a moment of excessive blinking before you find out it's not white light that clouds your vision, but feathers?! It then takes another second to realize that there are two, gloriously large wings now protruding from his back. They seem endless when stretched out to their full length. You stare in wonder for a brief moment, before they beat downward rapidly and you're no longer touching the ground.

A startled scream leaves your lips, your stomach left on the concrete as the distance between yourself and the safety of earth increases. Your previous struggling quickly transitions into desperately grabbing onto the man any possible way you can.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!"

"The more you move, the more likely it becomes that I'm going to drop you," Steve warns, the way you're squirming to cling to him actually making it more difficult for him to hold onto you.

You go stiff as a board after that, heart hammering in your chest. You try with all your might to steady your breathing. You feel like passing out might not be a good idea either.

"Where are you taking me?" you ask when you've gained some semblance of control over yourself.

"Somewhere you'll be safe."

You're grateful when he begins to descend somewhere just outside of the city limits. His feet touch down in a clearing surrounded by trees. He carefully lowers you onto your shaky legs and you have to refrain from dropping and kissing the ground.

You take a few steps back, your eyes not leaving his wings. They're huge, each one probably the length of a full-grown man, maybe longer. The feathers ruffle slightly in the breeze, the two wings twitching ever so slightly as if they have minds of their own.

"So... are you my guardian angel or something?" you ask with thinly concealed sarcasm.

The man, Steve, snorts, crossing his arms over his chest. "No." With one last flutter and stretch, he folds his wings inward before they disappear from sight.

"So you- You're..."

"Nephilim," he fills in for you.

You frown at him. "I thought they didn't exist anymore."

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