Incubus Part 3

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"Bucky!" Your hips jerk off the couch cushions, despite Bucky's hand trying to keep you pinned.

His mouth does a better job at following your movements, his tongue working over your clit in steady strokes.

The two of you had gotten about 20 minutes in to some On Demand movie before you'd, once again, become entangled with each other. You don't even know at this point how many times you've gone at it. After a pretty heavy make-out session, Bucky had you on your back. And in seconds, he was between your legs.

After your shower, you'd thrown on one of his other shirts. It was almost the only thing in his entire wardrobe that possessed color. A red Henley. You're wearing it now, but it's pushed up to your waist.

Bucky Barnes is a master at oral sex, though you shouldn't be surprised. Honestly, if it didn't feel so fucking good, it might be a little annoying at how easily this all came to him. He only needed a few short seconds of exploration before he already knew all the ins and outs of your body. Where you liked to be licked, where you liked to be sucked, where you appreciated the occasional nibble of teeth. Things that would have taken any normal man months to figure out, and Bucky just knew it on instinct. It really wasn't fair.

He has you reaching your peak faster than your vibrator at home ever could have. And you almost hate to admit, but the orgasm is nearly twice as intense.

Your back arches, hands fisting into his hair. You've got one leg thrown over his shoulder and you're pretty sure your heel is digging rather uncomfortably into his back, but he doesn't seem to mind. His tongue happily laps at everything you have to offer him, your taste permanently ingrained into his mind.

"I know what you're trying to do," you tell him through labored breaths.

His eyes flicker up to meet yours. They shine with mischief, his tongue leaving one last flick over your clit before he pulls back. His lips quirk into a smile, his whole chin glistening with your slick. "What am I trying to do?" he asks, feigning innocence.

"Make me stay another night." You carefully detangle your fingers from his hair, your muscles going lax as you fall back onto the couch cushions.

His innocent smile melts into a dark smirk. "Now there's a thought." He wipes at his mouth with the back of his hands before he starts to crawl back up your body.

"James, no," You try to be stern with him, but it's not exactly effective with an orgasm still fresh in your system. "You have to take me home."

You feel the cushion dip just above your shoulders, where he places his hands, his body settling over you. "Why?"

His sensual gaze hypnotizes you for a moment, almost distracting you from your thoughts. "Because tomorrow's Monday and I have to work," you remember.

Bucky lowers his head, starting a trail of kisses across your jaw. "Call in sick." He finds that sensitive spot beneath your ear, and he nibbles at it gently.

"I can't." Your hands grip his shoulders and it's a bit of a struggle, but you're eventually able to get your body to cooperate and you push him back. "What about you? Do you even have a job?"

He pouts, mildly irritated that you're foiling his plans. "Yes, I have a job. I'm an architect."

"An architect?" you repeat.

"Yeah. I make buildings."

You laugh, "I know what an architect is. I just wasn't expecting you to say that."

He raises a brow. "Oh, and what were you expecting?"

Beginning to recover from your orgasm, you grin cheekily, "I don't know. Male escort?"

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