Incubus Part 7

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You end up spending the next several weeks at Bucky's. He takes you to work every morning and picks you up in the afternoon. Once back at the apartment, the two of you have dinner together before you continue your training with Talia. You're beginning to think that the redhead might be warming up to you. Her tone of voice isn't nearly as harsh or cold as it used to be and she's a little more understanding when you don't get your powers to work just right.

It turns out, translocation was actually easier to master than light manipulation. You could now translocate to just about any place you'd already been. And even better, you'd discovered that you could at least translocate out of the apartment without having to remove any of the wards. The spells were pretty much put in place to keep descendants from entering, and because of that, there was no need to put a spell up to keep one from leaving.

You and Talia are currently sitting on the gym floor and she's trying to talk you through creating a ball of light. So far all you've been able to do were small flashes of light, like when you'd tried to stop Tony. You can't seem to get something a little more permanent to work.

You've got your eyes closed, hands held out slightly, palms up in a cradling pose as you try to imagine yourself holding the ball of light. You can feel the energy pulsing just beneath your fingertips but you can't seem to push it out any farther. Your brow furrows.

Your concentration breaks when a buzz cuts through the stillness of the room. You open your eyes, both you and Talia turning to the source. Bucky shifts from his position on a bench near the wall where he'd been observing your training.

"Really Buck?" Talia asks in annoyance as he pulls his phone from his back pocket.

He checks the screen before moving to answer it. "Sorry, it's work," he tells you both. He lifts the phone to his ear while he stands. "Hey." He makes his way out of the room, not wanting his conversation to disturb either of you.

"Maybe we should call it a night," Talia suggests.

You look at her curiously. She's never ended a training session early. "Why are you being so nice now?"

She smirks in amusement. "Would you rather I not?"

"No," you respond honestly.

Her smirk transitions to something a little more pleasant as her gaze falls back to the door Bucky just exited through. "I've never seen him so happy. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're good for him."

You take a moment to appreciate the compliment. Especially since it's coming from her. "Do you still think I'm like them?" you question cautiously.

Her gaze moves back to you. The sharpness in her eyes remains as she observes you for a long moment. But then she sighs and her features soften. "No. I guess the war between descendants and demons isn't so inherently ingrained into you." Though her words should make you feel better, you can't help but notice her eyes turning a little sad.

"Is something wrong with that?"

She shakes her head slowly. "James told you about my fiancée, right?"

You look at her with realization as you begin to understand where she's coming from. You nod in response.

Her gaze drops to the floor. "If the hatred of demons was so deeply rooted into your kind it would be more understandable why he just left. It would have been something he couldn't have helped. But to know that a relationship can work between the two of us, I guess it hurts to know that he chose to give up on it."

"I'm so sorry, Talia."

"It's not your fault," she shakes her head. "It's probably because James got to you before SHIELD did."

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