Incubus Part 14

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"Are you sure you have enough energy for this? Will it even work?" you ask as Bucky sets you down on the mattress. You look up at him with worry lining your features, you may have gone through hell and back, but he hasn't fed since you've been gone, either.

He crawls forward and sits on his knees, pulling your body into his lap. "Only one way to find out."

"Bucky, what if I hurt you?" You place your hands on his shoulders to stop him when he tries to pull your hips closer.

"You won't," he assures you.

"But what if I draw too much energy?"

"You won't," he repeats a little more firmly.


"Lumina," he cuts you off, hands squeezing encouragingly at your hips. "You can do this. Your instincts will guide you. And I'll be with you every step of the way."

You tug your bottom lip between your teeth. "But what if you pass out," you ask timidly.

He chuckles, grinning crookedly. "Then I'll congratulate you when I wake up."

You give him an unamused look. "That's not funny."

Your words only prove to make his smile widen. He leans forward and places a quick peck on your nose. "You'll be fine, Lumina. I promise. This will complete your transition. Besides, you need the transference to heal the last of your injuries. Your blood has given me enough energy to do this for you. It'll work."

You release a shaky breath, you can feel yourself conceding to him despite your reservations. "Alright."

You run your fingers across his shoulder and down his chest. You work your way down the planes of bare skin until your hand wraps around his already half hardened cock. Bucky comes to life at your touch, a deep groan rumbling out of his chest. "God I missed you," he breathes, leaning his head down and burying his face against your neck.

You run your free hand through his hair, cradling the back of his head against you. "Missed you too, Buck."

He uses his nose to tilt your chin up slightly, giving him access to run his lips across your neck. You continue to give him lengthened strokes, feeling the prickling of awareness develop in your core the longer you have your hands on him. It's almost like you're teasing yourself; having him so close to where you want him most, but denying yourself that pleasure. You feel that throb of heat between your legs; the flush of wetness as your body begs to be filled.

The veins in Bucky's cock pulse beneath your fingertips, his body just as desperate as yours. You trail your hand down his length and passed his base, gentling cupping his balls against your palm. His hips involuntarily jerk forward and you feel his shaky breath against you neck.

"You trying to end things before they've even started, Lumina?" he releases a low groan when you squeeze him teasingly.

You nip playfully at the shell of his ear. "Just wanna feel you."

You can feel the muscles in his thighs tense beneath you has he tries to fight his body's reactions to your touch. He's so sensitive to you that it's almost too much. His fingers dig into your hips, pulling you closer. "Lumina, please," he huffs before giving you a responding nip against the hollow of your throat.

You bite your bottom lip, releasing a small whimper. Having mercy on the both of you, you lift up slightly onto your knees. Rocking your hips forward, you align him with your entrance, his head gliding easily against your slick folds. You feel a rush of new wetness between your thighs as your body thrums in anticipation of his closeness. It sends a shiver running up your spine. You were used to your body opening up to his during your initial coupling, but this was an entirely new sensation. He'd barely even touched you and your body was already keening for his.

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