Incubus Part 13

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Bucky carries you through the house and out the back door. As he steps onto the back deck, you release a soft gasp at the visual in front of you. A short pathway is lit by a row of candles and leads to a small lake, surrounded by the trees of the forest. The sun has set, turning the sky a navy blue, the full moon casting its silver glow across the center of the lake. As if the stars themselves have fallen into the water, tiny tealight candles sit in water lilies dotting the surface of the glassy lake. The sight is absolutely breathtaking and you don't understand how Sam and Wanda could have set it up so fast.

Bucky walks down the path. It's not until you're closer to the lake that you notice Sam and Wanda standing behind a large boulder. The top has been carved into a flat surface, serving as an altar of sorts. A large leather-bound book rests in the center, large cylindrical candles lit to either side. You notice the dark form perched on Sam's shoulder as you approach. Upon closer inspection, you see that it's some type of bird of prey. A falcon maybe?

Sam notices your curious gaze. "This is Redwing. He's my familiar. I draw part of my power from him and he'll also be here to guide your souls should one of you stray." The falcon's feathers fluff out ever so slightly, as if he knows you're talking about him. "Wanda has agreed to handle the elemental aspects of the ritual, so I can focus entirely on the spiritual aspects." You glance briefly at her, but she avoids your gaze. "James, go ahead and disrobe and take her into the water."

Bucky nods. He moves to set you down on a smaller set of boulders. Sam and Wanda avert their eyes when he pulls off his robe and then takes yours. He lifts your naked form into his arms, his warmth encasing you in a cocoon. Ripples cascade across the surface of the water with each of Bucky's steps as he moves toward the center of the lake.

"It's warm," you mutter quietly, your hand reaching out to touch it once the water level has reached high enough.

Bucky stops in the circle of the moon's reflection on the water and then carefully lowers you down. He keeps one arm firmly locked around your waist, as your feet settle against the silty bottom. "You okay?" he asks you.

"Yeah," you clutch his arms for support, but with the water surrounding you to your waist, standing has become easier. You can already feel the healing energies in the water giving you some of your strength back, too.

With a voice that seems to fill the entire space, yet at the same time, doesn't appear to be very loud at all, Sam begins his chant, reading from the tome. It's a language you don't recognize at first. There's definitely an elegance and familiarity to it. It almost sounds like French, but some words are something else entirely. It takes a moment for you to realize that it's Louisiana Creole French. And you suddenly understand why Bucky brought you here.

You recall what Rumlow had told you while you were imprisoned. The third class of magic wielders, the ones that practice both white and black magic. The Bokors. Sam was a Voodoo Sorcerer.

It made sense. Only the Voodoo practice can successfully pull out a soul without damaging the body.

The chanting continues as a light breeze starts to pick up, curling around your bodies and making your hair stand on end. Bucky pulls you closer to him, tucking you against his chest, the amulet pressed between the two of you. He lowers his head, whispering quietly into your ear. "Sam is talking about each of the elements and what their purpose is for the ritual. The water and wind are meant to be unifying, the fire cleansing, and the forest grounding. All are necessary for this to work. The harmonization of the elements will lead the merge to success," he explains to you.

You smile up at him in thanks, glad he at least knows a little about what's going on.

Over his shoulder, you watch as Sam grasps a simple looking stone and holds it to the sky. He continues to speak and Bucky translates once more. "He is unbinding the stone from it's grounding earthly qualities. He'll throw it into the lake and when he does, our souls will become unbound too."

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