Incubus Part 6

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"How are you feeling?" Bucky's soft voice fills your head as you begin to stir awake.

You release a tired moan, turning around to face him so you can bury your face into his neck. "Hungry," you respond with a sigh.

Bucky smiles. That's your usual response the morning after a large transference. "Want me to make you something?"

You throw your arm over his chest and nudge your knee between his legs. "Mm... no. You're my heat source."

He chuckles quietly. "Is that all I am to you?"

"At the moment," you respond, though you're sure he can feel your smile against his skin and it's giving you away.

His arm tightens around your waist to pull you in closer, his head turning to brush his lips against your forehead. "Minx."

You laugh lightly, slowly beginning to blink open your eyes. "And how are you feeling?" you ask. Your hands travel down the length of his chest, pushing the sheets back. Looking down, you can see that all that's left of the wound on his side is a light scar. Your fingers trace over the faded mark.

"I'm all right," Bucky assures you. "The energy transference did what it was supposed to. Thank you, for your help, Lumina."

You lift your gaze up to meet his, your lips drawn into a frown. "Bucky what the hell were you thinking?"

He doesn't like the look you give him; disappointment mixed with confusion and concern. He's not accustomed to feeling guilty over his actions. "In my defense, I didn't plan to get into a fight with him."

You raise a brow, looking at him doubtfully.

"I'm serious," he tells you. "I went to tell him that you were under my protection and he wasn't to go near you. He obviously didn't take too well to being ordered around. He said that he could smell my scent all over you and that he knew exactly what was going on between us. He tried to convince me that you were just using me to get intel on our kind. That SHIELD has just stooped to a new low by whoring out their operatives. I got so fucking pissed, I punched him. Ended up breaking his nose and it kind of just went downhill from there."

You release a soft sigh. Reaching your hand up, you run your fingers through his hair before your hand comes around to cup his jaw. "Well, thank you for defending me. But God, Bucky, I hated seeing you like that."

His eyes turn sad, clouded with guilt. "I'm sorry."

"I know," you whisper soothingly. You lift yourself up slightly, just enough to connect your lips to his. You kiss him slowly and with compassion, to show him that you forgive him for his reckless actions.

His arms tighten around you moments before he's rolling you onto your back. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Lumina. I was scared that I had ruined it all last night," he mutters against your lips.

Your hands run across the plains of his back, feeling the ridges of muscles beneath your fingertips. "You didn't ruin anything. Just try to keep it from happening again, maybe?"

His cerulean gaze locks with yours. "I don't know if that's a promise I can entirely keep. I will defend you from anyone that's a threat. When word gets out about us and our relationship, there will be those that won't understand it," he warns.

You look up at him in slight shock. "So, we are in a relationship?" you question. This was the first time that word has really come up.

His brow furrows in confusion. "Yes, of course. Did you not think we were?"

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