Chapter 16: Terrifying Compliments

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I forgot how much

Fingertips can hurt

When they

Barely touch you.

Chapter 16"Terrifying Compliments"

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Chapter 16
"Terrifying Compliments"

Saphira's POV:

He fought to stay awake, he really did. Nate thought that if he stayed awake and I fell asleep I wouldn't have any nightmares. He had good intentions, but they weren't successful. Soft snores filled the room an hour after the two of us fell silent.

And my fear turned into something constant.

A mixture of everything all at once.

A fear of myself.

Not to mention the fact that every minuscule move I made caused his arm to tighten around my waist. Now, I'm not claustrophobic, but something about being wrapped into him made my gut protest.

Which is why I'm curled into myself on the floor, waiting for the sun to seep through the cracks in my curtains. Nate stills snores softly, the sheets pooled at his hips and bare chest revealed to the world.

My crusted eyes watch him, wanting to figure out everything behind who he is, yet, at the same time, wanting to forget he even exists. It's hard to know which want is bigger. Which one weighs more on me.

He rolls over, a heavy breath passing his lips as he unknowingly stares at me.

Regret is strange.

People tend to say that you usually regret the things you didn't do. Not many individuals reveal that regretting something you have done is worse. Having that longing to change what you did weighs heavily.

"I think I want to forget you," I whisper, voice hoarse and cracking as sunlight spills across my outstretched hand.

My words hang in the air, making my decision that much more real. Words, however, are weak. Actions prove real intentions. So am I going to push him away to be real to me, or to him?

"I'm sorry I lied," I speak delicately, soft even to my ears, "I genuinely thought I'd try to let you in. I was wrong and I'm sorry."

His eyes flutter and I weep on the inside, "Forgive me."

Grey stare into my face, bleary and confused. Nate blinks rapidly, gaze wandering over my body.

"Why are you on the floor?" he rasps, trying to ignore the need to fall back asleep and instead sit against the headboard.

"I didn't like the feeling of your arm around me," I answer bluntly, surprising him. He blinks, seemingly wide awake all of a sudden. He shuffles in the bed, looking away for a short, brief moment of insecurity.

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