Chapter 10: Leaving Port

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I didn't say goodbye.

I didn't say anything

I just walked away.

Chapter 10"Leaving Port"

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Chapter 10
"Leaving Port"

Saphira's POV:

I don't have time to be surprised, trying to stop myself from tripping as the little six year old bursts through the front door. Even then, the thought that I'd choose people I've known for not even twenty four hours over my own blood, sends whirlwinds of thoughts inside my head.

The main one being, 'holy shit!'

"Come on, dragon!" Lana's voice is lost in the harsh wind and I put my free hand against my beanie, afraid that it'll fly off. My hair whips around my face, getting in my eyes and flying into my mouth.

I blink rapidly, running beside the little blonde as she sprints towards the house next door. Her hair is doing the same thing mine is, and the both of us seem to be thinking along the same lines as we fight against the gusts.

The weather gives me time to ignore the nerves buzzing around my stomach like a swarm of angry bees, but that distraction fails as soon as I'm on the porch of my old house. It was never home to me, just another box full of people who don't care.

I stare at the door for a little bit, the sound of the wind fading out as I look at the plain wooden structure. Will they be here? Will they even answer? Will they willingly give me my dog?

"I can only guess how hard this is for you," Nate's voice is suddenly whispering in my ear and I tense at the proximity, not prepared for the sparks he suddenly creates. "but overthinking isn't going to achieve anything, princess."

He doesn't move from where he is, but my hand tightens around Lana's, only just realising how long I must've been standing there just staring at the door for Nate to already be next to me. I clear my throat, exhaling deeply before knocking on the door.

I drop my hand quickly, not wanting the others to see how much I'm shaking. Nothing happens for a while, and I close my eyes, pulling that familiar mask of nothingness over my features. The sound of a lock turning makes me peel my eyelids open just in time for my mother's confused face to be revealed.

"I'm here for Pluto," I say bluntly, not wanting to be here longer than I have to. She just stares at my face, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape as I gaze at her. I wet my suddenly dry lips, taking a shaky breath in as the need to hug her overwhelms me.

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it!

"Cat got your tongue?" I force the words to be cold and emotionless, contrasting against the longing inside my chest, "Or would it be more appropriate to say dog got your tongue? It is the dog that we want."

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